hi. do you work at the mechanic? they're not open yet? is it ok if i leave my car you think? i thought they opened at seven. if i left my car would it be ok? do you know them. can i ask you, can i trust to leave my keys with you and give them to you so that when they get here you could give them to them? you think it's ok where i left it, right there? there's a piano in the street. ok. maybe i'll see you later. thank you for your help. maybe i'll see you later, when i pick up my car? it's fine. hi. do you remember me, i left my car, yesterday. it's ok. that's alright. i'll go pay for my car. yeah. it's not bad, it's ok. it's ok, it's alright. i'll come right back, i'll just go pay for my car. we should be going -- i'm sorry i couldn't come to your sister's birthday party last night, elizabeth had invited me and i couldn't make it -- it must be weird for you to have so many sisters? business is good, you're busy? i saw a picture of you. elizabeth has a picture of you guys -- your sisters and you, it's a lot of family, it must be nice. no. i'm the exact opposite -- it's terrible, no. what do you do with all this pudding? oh my god. six months, maybe five, five or six months. do you wanna check that? i do, but i do field consultations mainly too which is cool because i get to travel. i travel. a lot of the time. i'm going to hawaii on friday. really? -- well, if you're gonna go -- -- oh that's too bad, it's so great over there and if you were there we could say hello to each other or something -- you ready? it was great to meet you again. to see you again, thanks for helping me yesterday -- are you ready? bye, barry. ok. i'm going to go and eat tomorrow night do you want to go with me? do you want to pick me up? can i write down my address and phone number for you? yeah. ok. hi. who is it? hi. so i want to tell you something, i gotta tell you: i saw a picture of you guys, your sisters and you and i saw your picture and i really wanted to meet you. i came to drop my car off there on purpose, to try and meet you. i thought i should tell you. i didn't want to get too far along on going out and be hiding something -- yeah. about six months. yeah. yeah we get along well. you didn't get along with her very well? no, no. i did. yeah. yeah? you were talking about the promotion -- yeah. yeah. yeah, no, i see -- that's insane. that is really, really crazy. that's just crazy if you spend three thousand dollars on pudding. so that was your pudding? i'm sorry. i thought you said -- i thought you said you bought all that pudding -- your sister was telling me a pretty funny story about you, when you guys were kids and you were building a ramp for your dog and you threw a hammer through a window? is that right? you threw a hammer through a sliding glass door? ok. is everything ok? what happened? what did he want? ok. did something happen; are you alright? so. how is your harmonium doing? your portable reed organ. the piano. did you pick it up from the street? did you take it from the street in front of your work? are you learning how to play it? oh that's great. so you must travel a lot with all that pudding you bought? yeah. i'll be around and back in town in a few days -- if you come to hawaii -- you don't think you'll go -- ok. well call me when you get back, i mean, i'll call you when i get back. i'll be back for three weeks and then i go away for a month after that. so maybe in that time. this is lena. i just wanted you to know, wherever you're going or whatever you're doing right now i want you to know that i wanted to kiss you just then. yeah. yeah. ok. what do you mean? i don't know what you mean. ok. thank you. hello? yeah? hi. where are you? are you here? well let's do something do you want to do something, can you meet me? no. what do you mean? about six months ago. why? when was the last time you had a girlfriend? yeah. do you want to meet me and talk about this stuff? you got me out of my hotel room. you came and got me out of my room. it's so nice. yeah. press together. it feels good. oh my god, you are so adorable. i just. god dammit. i just. your face is so adorable and your cheek and your skin, i wanna bite it. i wanna bite your cheek and chew on it. god damn cute. fuck. what? i know. i know. i know. i just wanna chew your face and scoop out your beautiful, beautiful eyes with an ice cream scooper and eat 'em and chew 'em and suck on 'em. fuck. yeah. barry? ok. what should i do about eric? ok. no. it's fine. he did seem a little strange. i'm sorry. you're right. should i call you later? ok. where do you have to go? for work. i think maybe over a hundred. yeah. can i come home with you when we get there? it's ok to ask that. i'm fine are you ok? what is this? people are just crazy in this world, i think. the first man came on the driver side. they were all blonde. you left me at the hospital. you can't do that. So here we go.