you're right. we could be doing much better. any ideas? oooh, yeee! -- why don't we find out who she is? then what are we waiting for? let's go! hmm. i don't know. i think i know what it needs. as fine as she is. she doesn't have to know how to sing. what for? cool. i come get you -- let you know the girl's there. a password. you got it. the password. exactly. no, it's-- i see her. i come get you. okay. far as i'm concerned. what. the password is what. it's the password! ahhhhh! the password is what! the password isn't it! the password is-- got it! right. what?? hi ya, billy. yes, we've met. i have something to show you. ye-es. what. right. what. you got it. vanity, i'd like you to meet morris e. day. vanity. this is morris day if you'd excuse me. you like them, huh? i think they're dead, man. cocktails before dinner? okay. will you be having a virgin as well? morris! seventeen. what?! motherfucker needs a haircut. well. what do you think? oh no. that's cold. that was fucked up what you did man. morris doesn't like it. and being a part of this - - i don't like it either. i guess so, m.d. i don't think it's all that bad.