oh, lord . we're going to slay him. whawhak! why don't you stay awhile, see how it's done. one, two, three, kick! one, two, three, kick! four, five. oh, lord. cut! cut! you ladies don't seem to realize how valuable my time is. you're going to make my boys look bad. we tried that. . remember? now you're in the best possible position you can be in, so what' s the matter -- your shoes on too tight or something? let's have some action, let's have some asses wiggling, i want some perfection. whawhak! i think i'm going to need a drink, a strong drink. let's get the hell out of here. this just ain't happening. the bitches are okay, but we need something more exciting- that powder fine babe we saw last night. i already know that. jill gave me everything last night. whawhak! no, no -- that ain't classy enough. i want the bitch to come to me -- i'm the only star in this town. jerome! lo-rd! such nastiness. hee, hee -- let's break. jerome, this car -- it's. it's lacking something. what do you think? i got it! the hubcaps. we need something sweeter. yeah . i know what these need. the girl has expensive tastes. i wonder if she can sing. i know that's right. hey -- watch it now. i want you to stay out of the set tonight. i want you to work the floor. i want to know when that sweet thing shows up. you stay by the door, you see her, you come get me, cool? well, not if i'm with my other babes. that wouldn't be cool. i don't want to break their hearts, and you know how i feel abouy that. so we ought to have like, a signal. okay. what's the password? got what? the password is what? the password is exactly? -- hold it now. slow down. the babe walks in and you see her. you come get me. and i'll probably have a couple little sexies on the stand-by, and we don't want to upset them, do we? so you just glide by me and say. what? the password is okay? dammit! say the password. say the password, sperm breath! that's what i'm asking you! the password is it? it! you just said so! -- what? 1 got it? it or right? honey -- don't you ever try and breastfeed no baby now. never mind . what? what?? ye-es what time is it? so, right. hold it now -- just leave the 'e' alone. the pleasure's all mine. too sexy . have a waitress bring.a bottle of their best champacne. your lips would make a lollipop too happy. ye-es. i think you know that. jerome! huh, keep the change-- get my change, will ya? oh, lord. either somebody put something in my drink, or you are the finest i've seen in ages. huh. you look nice tonight. it's rare that i out my cards on the table when it comes to meeting younq ladies, but . i'm going to make you love me. just as sure as my stacy adams are shiny. he doesn't like girls. well . he don't do too good with them either. shh! shh! shh! oh, lord help me outta here. hee, hee -- i know you wouldn't want to spend the whole night with ol' pencil dick. my nose is fine, i'm just wondering if i fucked my shoes up. c'mon . jerome. you think these can be fixed? shit -- it's so rough out here. you lock the door, baby? let's go! jerome! yes -- two pia coladas. ye-es! for dessert!! whawhak! thank you. here you are, dear. jerome, uh, get your pad and pencil, i think it's gonna be kinda right. if my judge of character is correct, it's going to be about loving tonight. stop me when i get to seventeen. excuse me, baby. i bet you didn't know i had a piece of this restaurant, did you? may i taste that? huh, excuse me, that's kind of weak. here, try mine. y'know. they say that saliva is an aphrodisiac. you look so lovely tonight. probably you'd look better under exotic. red. liqhts. i wish you could see my home. it's. it's so exciting. in my bedroom, i have a brass waterbed . i have an italian cook, gino izogochograchi, or something like that. it's funny. your eyes -- when you stare at me like that, it causes my stomach to qui- quiver. oh, lord. do you like diamonds? yeah ? i know it's rather masculine, but -- try this one on. my god, darling it fits. you must have strong hands, but -- they're so soft. like oils in my bubble bath. damn . darling? i'm not usually so forward, but -- would you like to make love to me? i can make it so nice . do you know what is meant by the words, huh, i hate to use them, they're so harsh, so american. i mean, and yet on the other hand, they're exciting words. the words. . chili sauce. oh, lord. you know, i haven't made love in so long, but with you i know it would be just like riding a bike. i'd remember everything i've ever learned. baby, if the kid can't make you come, nobody can. yeah? huh, what's it gonna to be baby? what?! here? uh, what one is it? it's nice, huh? jerome! home. you and me are a lot alike.- i like that. so, i'd like to help you out. i think i have something you may be interested, in. a little song and dance. that is, if you can sing and dance. hee, hee, uh, excuse me. no he won't. he's never done anything in his whole life for anybody but himself. i know that's right, but-- -- not morris day. come by any time. jerome! one more thing . here's a little something for you. if you get cold when you wear it, call me. good morning, dahling. come down -- come down. c'mon, ten minutes. i want to show you something- chili sauce. oh, lord. as you can see, we need someone with your special qualities. man -- why don't you just do the walk? jellybean! what do you mean? it's not about hurting anybody. this is business. we can use the exposure. yeah. but they're holding up my halo. hee, hee. little empty tonight, huh, billy. but i guess money isn't everything. hee, hee. huh, it's obvious you don't have what it takes to be on top. but to show you that i'm sympathetic to your problems - - here's a pass to our show tomorrow night. enjoy it. don't forget to bring a girlfriend. whawhak! cuts from the dressing room, closes the door behind him. he joins jerome at the curtain, and they move down the back stairway to the club-- i guess this is it. i think i'm going to be sick. why does this have to be happening to me? has it crossed your mind that we're about to make the biggest mistake we've ever made? that's why i do all the thinking. oh, god-- what?? and jerome are beside themselves with happiness. the pull off their shades immediately, sit back and glow in the audience's response. ain't nobody bad like me. ye-es. let's go, bebe. in his skin. hee, hee. i gave him the night off. whawhak! oh, no -- oh, god. no! stop! stop! motherfucker! you long-haired faggot! you love us right?! you want us right?! i can't hear you! what time is it?! whawhak!! how's the family! whawhak!