dearly belov`ed, we are gathered here today to get through this thing called life. electric word life, it means forever and that's a mighty long time. but i'm here to tell you that there's something else -- the afterworld. that's right. a world of never-ending happiness, you can always see the sun -- day or night. so when you call up that shrink in beverly hills, you know the one -- doctor everything'll be alright-- instead of asking him how much of your mind is left, ask him how much of your time, `cause in this life, things are much harder than in the afterworld, in this life, you're on your own. and if de-elevator tries to bring you down, go crazy, punch a higher floor. please, dad. she's heard you. she's had enough! dad, please . she's-- what are you doing here? huh . it's kind of dead in here. where is everybody? that's nice. ah, i guess i'll come back at a better time. you think tonight the the place'll be jumping? what? a subpoena? why didn't they give it to me themselves? you really liked it, huh? there . on your boot. you can have it back later. who gave it to you? female or male? you're lying. i can tell just by your reaction that you're lying. so you gave it to me -- it's not yours anymore. let's go for a ride. how much did that cost you? oh, yeah -- what did you play? nope. nope. want to know why? because you wouldn't pass the initiation. well, for starters ycu have to purify yourself in the waters of lake minnetonka. you have to purify yourself in lake minnetonka. hey, wait a minute! thats-- hold it. that ain't lake minnetonka. hey . the nominees for the best actress are-- you tired, too? hey; man -- don't worry about it. hey -- wait till we're married, now. what? shit . thanks. we have to go to your place. i want to show you something. why -- is there someone there? let's go. yeah -- the freak show. c'mon. oh, yeah . she's crying -- it's backwards. it makes me sad when i hear it. it sorta sounds like she's laughing, doesn't it? i don't have anybody right now. stop. how'd you get home? oh yeah? where'd you get that? let's ride. your father used to what? what? you can't be serious. i'm sorry -- excuse me. good morning. yes. see you later? why? what? tell me. okay, come by -- eight o'clock. where is everybody? so what are you doing here? can't you guys get off it? can't you just leave it alone? dad, please! dad! come here. where were you? what is it? oh, no. oh, no! how'd you do it? here. what? i'm sorry! oh, baby, i'm sorry! are you alright? please. it's just. i don't want you around this at all. i just don't want you in my life this way. you don't have to prove anything to me or anybody else. vanity? don't i make you happy? don.t you like the way we are? do you know morris? do you know what he's about? he doesn't care about you. where's lisa and wendy? they call? tell him i'm rehearsing. you wanted to see me? no. no . no. what's that? i want to talk to you. now. uh, uh. why don't you kiss the one- eyed snake? fuck you! ma? ma. what happened? c'mon. i'll take you home. where the fuck are you? where are you? answer me you fucker!! is that yours? i'd like to see them. you got them written down somewhere? thought you weren't going to play no more. i saw mom up the street. she looked pretty bad. any idea how she got that way? yeah. i got a girlfriend. i don't know. fastens on her and brings "computer blue" to a rousing end. the crowd applauds, but it's more out of respect than eagerness. he doesn't seem to notice though, or care. he confers quickly with his group., then moves center-stage. the band members trade frustrated looks with each other -- it's obvious that they have some trouble with the next song. i knew a girl named nicky, i guess you can say she was a sex fiend. i met her in a hotel lobby masturbating in magazines. she said, how'd you like to waste some time, and i could not resist when i saw little nicky grind. is fastened on vanity and it's apparent to all. he launches into the next verse- she took me to her castle and i could not believe my eyes. she had so many devices everything that money could buy. she said, sign your name on the dotted line, the lights went out, and nicky started to grind. looks dead-center at them, and then to vanily-- i woke up the next morning. nicky wasn't there. i looked all ov'r all i found was a phone number on the stairs. it said thank you for a funky time, call me up when ev'r you want to grind. brings the song to a blistering end. the stage is plunged into darkness. he strips off his guitar, cuts from the stage, ignoring the grave looks from his band members. i don't have time for your bullshit, billy. what do you want? that's life, man. fuck off! lay off that! i don't care. stands in the back, his eyes glued to vanity. her strength and sureness in front of the crowd is breathtaking. the audience loves her and he suddenly feels very alone -- as if another wall has gone up between them. he looks away a moment and spots. watches the girls bowing to thunderous applause. suddenly vanity looks at him and touches the earring she's wearing -- it's his mother's. his knees weaken instantly, and he locks eyes with her. the heat between them is unmistakable. she smiles vividly, gives him an endearing wave and steps back as the curtain closes. get on! no problem. i just wanted to talk, alright? i just want us to be okay, to really get along. no big deal. give me that. please don't drink that. give it to me. dad? mom? daddd! sits motionless a long time. moonlight floods the basement with a foreboding light. a dog barks somewhere in the distance. he looks up suddenly, his face agitated, his eyes red from tears. noooooo!! does not move. the applause trickles away. he continues to stare in the audience making no attempt to direct his band, or start a tune. a nervous twitter ripples though the crowd. those who know about the tragedy feel a profound embarrassment for him -- but no one turns away. then his voice comes clear and mellifluous-- i would like to do a song that two of my friends wrote. is still running though, his face streaming with tears, past the surprised look of jill, past the fans, past everyone -- stripping of his clothes fiercely, flinging off his jacket, his shirt, his scarf-- hi.