did you get that data off to braverman at cal tech? that's not an official nickname, jacque. did they recalibrate the 3k turn? give me more angle-control on the bounce. fifteen seconds arlette. probability of this happening, same make, model, color and year is less likely than the proof for the existence of god. less likely than the existence of god. i've been dreaming about you. both. is that your. could we go somewhere? okay. i could go out of town. where to? that's the physicist's playground. it's an experiment. at the sub-atomic level, particles obey their own logic. they connect in unimaginable ways. could be. a quantum one. the shorthand is, when you send electrons through space, it's impossible to say precisely what they are: particles or waves. they come into being as one or the other at the moment we observe them. nothing is real until it's perceived. how? god. mia! you're restoring heaven with dabs of paint. you're bringing new order to the universe. if you're right, we have a chance. to be together. when i was a kid i used to snap my head back like a gunfighter on the draw, hoping to catch a glimpse behind me. god. i dunno. the eternal nothingness. mia. the universe is snapping my head back. i'm losing my focus. an electron spoke to me yesterday. i swear. that's what it asked me. "what do you want?" i didn't answer. i was in the middle of an experiment. yes. did you know electrons have lovers? inside every semi-conductor. you have two particles, with opposite charges, separated by an impassable barrier. a strip of silicon, which for you and me would be like. a five hundred foot thick steel wall. but the connection between these two electrons is so -- that they tunnel, magically, through any obstacle, defying the practical laws of physics, in order to end up together -- i'll take it. i. i thought you were dead. you taking any medication? dad. you did. you did miss -- excuse me??? mia? i need some air. don't shoot me. yes. yes i can. wait. i want to tell you something. then you get it. you'll understand. i know what i want. i let go, and a second later you materialized at the door. you see? mia. i can create reality. i can choose to love you with all my heart. why?