you're writing your maiden conference speech as prime minister. you'll be pleased to know i've already started coming up with ideas. would you prefer i didn't do my job? where will you do it? not the press, mate. you've got the wrong villain. you about to speak to the queen? ask her if she greased the brakes. oh, christ. this lot call you "the nation's mourner in chief", this lot say you're "the only person who has correctly judged the mood of the country". even the "mail". . was impressed. all right, the good news is that the palace has agreed to video screens in the royal parks. crash barriers. hey're now predicting more than two million people will descend on london, and there aren't enough barriers to line the route. so we've gone cap in hand to the french for theirs. and there's something else i think you should see. can we run that piece again? you're going to love this. there! `planet zog'? just one. "mr. father of the nation." they sent a copy of the queen's speech. you might want to scrape the frost off it first. i made a couple of changes. so it sounds like it comes from a human being. oh, and one bit of good news. the old boot's finally agreed to pay respects at diana's coffin.