let them sleep until we know more. i should go to paris. i told my people to start organising a jet. ell, how else am i going to get to paris at this time of night? the airport at aberdeen will be closed. she's mother to your grandchildren. no! no, no, no, no! they're going to go back to sleep. well, try anyway. my private secretary's office has found a travel agency open in new york that will sell me a flight to paris with an hour's stop over in manchester. perhaps now you might consider whether it's still an extravagance to bring back the mother of the future king of england in one of our planes? they stood up as we drove past. in cafes. in restaurants. removed their hats. this was paris. one of the busiest cities in the world. and you could hear a pin drop. yes. i imagine it will. the palace would still prefer to see it as a private funeral. what are your feelings on that? wait! where are they? i'll come with you. i thought you were going to get a new i was thinking last night what diana might have done had it been me that died in the tunnel in paris. she would certainly have taken the boys to paris. i rather regret not doing that now. look, whatever else you may have thought of diana - she was a wonderful mother. a beat) she adored those boys. and never let them forget it. a beat) always warm. and physical. a beat) never afraid to show her feelings. yes, she may have encouraged all that, but still. what? yesterday, when we drove the coffin back into london, there was a noise. a bang. i don't mind telling you i thought it was a gun. are you sure? isn't it possible. that to some people. the royal standard is just. . a flag? and that the flap pole being bare sends out the wrong signal. yes. but sometimes. in a situation like this. one has to be flexible. it is just a flag. apparently there are now fifteen. and people are queuing through the night. i've been thinking is the flag flying at half mast over my house at highgrove? make sure we get a picture of that in the papers, would you? if my mother wants to make a mess of this, that's her business. a beat) i won't let her drag me down, too. i've just been told. you've decided to go back to london. i just want to say - i admire. i think it's the right decision. let's hope we haven't left it too late.