remember, you're a man that's just been elected by the whole country. france. "thank you so much for coming. now bugger off." diana. apparently she's got a new boyfriend. is it serious? what? are you surprised? she hated her guts. a bunch of freeloading, emotionally retarded. nutters. why? they exist in a ludicrous cocoon of privilege and wealth. they don't pay tax. the queen alone costs us what? thirty, forty million a year. i do. e don't have one. why? "the case for reform is simple and obvious. it is in principle wrong and absurd that people should wield power on the basis of birth, not merit or election." your words, not mine. why? think about it. if she were still alive, wouldn't hazel be exactly the same age? whenever you talk about your mother, you mention her stoicism. her frugality. her sense of duty. the fact she was brought up in the way. well c'mon? who does that sound like? people really do want change. and want you to give it to them. but still, imagine this country without them? with a nice elected head of state? a beat) that'd be some legacy. if the revolution were to happen on your watch. i've just been told there are news crews outside waiting for you to come and "speak to the people." why? don't you think she deserves it? sitting up there on her 40,000 acres. i'm afraid they're a bit burned. "heart"? what "heart". she doesn't mean a word of this. listen to you! a week ago you were the great moderniser, making speeches about the "people's princess", now you've gone weak at the knees. i don't know why i'm surprised. in the end, all labour prime ministers go ga- ga for her maj. so? off to see your girlfriend? i hope she shows you some respect this time. it's quite a debt of gratitude she owes you. mr "saviour of the monarchy."