what the? why? what's she done now? what was she doing in paris? i don't know. i can't hear. everyone's shouting! well, well, well. are you all right? i did. that's putting it mildly. something about diana managing to be even more annoying dead than alive. of course. fine. i'll sleep next door. what did you say? i'll take them for a long walk this afternoon. up craggy head. n our walk today, one of the ghillies said he'd seen a large stag up at craghie head. a beat) he reckoned fourteen points. no. quite. nyway, i thought it might be a good distraction. for the boys. i think anything that gets them outside is a good idea. what did he say? oh, for god's sake. i can't watch this. and i was sure he'd give the other one up. or, at least make sure his wife towed the line. isn't that what everyone does? no, we'll be all right. about what? the next thing he'll be suggesting you change your name to hilda and mine to hector? who does he think he's talking to? you're the sovereign. the head of state. you don't get dictated to. a beat) you've conceded the idea of a public funeral. you've opened up the parks. that's enough. quite right. when we started with one, everyone predicted they would grow and grow. but we've heard nothing more about that, see? hurry up, dear. getting cold. of course. that's where all the ruddy cameras are. see! bloody fool. now your tea's gone cold. not so good tonight. a lot of slamming doors. i think they saw the papers. i'll take them out early again tomorrow morning. and a hysteric. oh, please. and they think we're mad? i suggest you keep it that way. a chorus line of soap stars and homosexuals. that'll be a first for westminster abbey. condolence books are now being signed in our embassies in every major city in the world. a beat) and in london alone the number has reached forty. stares at the crowds of mourners on the television) this reminds me of one of those films. a few of us in a fort. hordes of zulus outside. c'mon, move over, cabbage. yes robin? what? it's madness! the whole thing! bloody madness! it seems we are going back to london! it's not right, you know oh, well. i suppose it gives the ghillies time to find a new stag for the boys now theirs has been shot. haven't you heard? it wandered onto one of the neighbouring estates where it was shot by one of the commercial guests. good god.