you can use the royal flight. they keep one of the planes on permanent stand-by. deadpans) in case i kick the bucket. that's the latest? lucky you. yes. not me. no one tells me anything. what? really? we haven't had one that big on this estate in years. tay bridge? b-but that's the code name for my funeral? j but i supervised those plans myself. celebrities? your grandfather didn't get that flag at half-mast when he died and if your mother were to die tomorrow, she wouldn't get it either. bviously you're going to have to talk to the lord chamberlain about all this. i see. certainly not! remember the oath you took your whole life. that's a commitment to god as well as your people. damaging them? my dear, you are the greatest asset this institution has. one of the greatest it has ever had. the problem will come when you leave, but that's not for you to worry about - and certainly not today. and you're not like that. never have been. no. you must show strength. re- assert your authority. you sit on the most powerful throne in europe. head of an unbroken line that goes back more than a thousand years. how many of your predecessors do you imagine would have dropped everything and gone down to london because people holding candles wanted help with their grief?