no! i have reason to believe lestat's the real thing. a vampire. and an ancient one. it would appear that way. but have you listened to his songs? read his lyrics? well,i have. in one of his songs he refers to a pub called the sailor's arms. i think it's a clue. 'where are you now? back in the sailor's arms, somewhere in the back streets of soho?' i tracked down the old leases in london. it turns out, in the late 1700's, there was a pub right in the backstreets of soho called the sailor's arms. and it had a reputation for dealing with black magic. witches' covens, seances, that sort of thing. and most importantly, reports of people being lured there and subsequently attacked by bloodsucking fiends. here's where you could find the sailor's arms in old london. and here is where it would be today. of course the sailor's arms is not there anymore. that part of london is mostly old warehouses, meat-packing plants. yes, but right now there's only one place to get a drink -- of sorts. a private club -- in exactly the same place. the waverly arms. well, what happens at the waverly arms now makes the sailor's arms look like a happy meal at mcdonald's. it's a vampire coven. and lestat's leading us to it. well. it was taken. while. . in motion. but listen, if you look closely, you can see they're vampires. i'm sure of it. and lestat's leading us to them and -- but. uh. i did. yes. last night. no one. i. just. went. look, i know it was breaking protocol and i'm really sorry, it's just i think -- hey, does it look like i got involved? that is not called involvement. that is called running. vampires. gathering. i'm sure of it. you have to listen to lestat's lyrics. they're amazing. many of the references could only be derived from years of research in the bibliotech de paris, which seems unlikely for a young rock star in his early twenties. plus there are historical details dating back hundreds of years lestat describes that don't exist anywhere. except in our library. he refers to marius, the great white lord, who ruled over a group of islands off the bay of naples in the late 18th century. what i'm trying to say here, and maybe i'm not doing the best job of it, is that lestat may be the oldest and most powerful vampire ever documented! right. that's the best part. lestat's not afraid to piss them off. he wants mortals and immortals to know he's there, to know he exists. i don't know why. but this has never happened before. don't you see? he's a one man revolution. fine. well then, i guess i'll just have to go back and get better, more conclusive evidence! maybe you just can't unravel all the mysteries of the world out there, by sitting around all day in a dusty old library in here! yeah, i'm great. i just found a vampire. cause i think i'm on to something pretty big. the most important sighting talamasca's had in years. jesus, i don't know, david. i thought i was onto something. maybe i didn't see anything. talbot. c'mon. you know me. i'm not freaking out on you. i'm just onto what looks -- alright looked david. there's nothing else. nothing is 'beguiling' me, alright? nothing. c'mon. i'd be even luckier if that damn picture came out. wait a second. so you do believe me? you do think it's a vampire coven. they're all nightscapes. the detail is amazing. mid-1500s. florence. this man is in both. have you -- marius?! from lestat's lyrics. i knew i was right. what do you mean the original vampire? david, you've been tracking marius your whole life. maybe he's out there waiting for you right now. don't you ever want to just go and find him and -- you do? thanks. what is it? thank you for this. je suis le vampire lestat. i am the vampire lestat. sure, all the time. you haven't seen the rest of my body. my host. oh he's here somewhere. marius. marius has the blood of the ancients flowing in his veins. that's a myth. marius is around here somewhere. you. you really should meet him. because. because. he's wise, a philosopher. he asks the big questions. like how are you going to get through eternity? it's easier for us mortals. life is brief, but for you. i mean. what can you really do with immortality besides just slip from one day to the next, trapped in a void of meaninglessness, relieved only by your next victim? how do you not give in to despair and just wither away from boredom, hopelessness? you know, it's like they say -- the more things change, the more they stay the same. for you that's forever, right? you saved me. i know a lot of things. well i guess we've got that in common. although i think i'm a little ahead in the race here. 'mine eyes dazzle, she died so young.' it's about the girl with the violin, isn't it? i. i think you're a lot like marius, lestat. you're. you're both artists. he's a painter. you're a singer. yes. from nothing. you try to create. something beautiful. . out of the. the cold, dark wasteland of eternity. but. but marius isn't a rebel. you're different in that way. you don't want to hide, follow the laws, concealed in the shadows like some insect. you. you still want to walk with the living, don't you, lestat? no, but the only time you're not really alone is when you kill. but, lestat, you can't help it. it's not your fault. he made you this way. i. i'm only an apprentice. does anything, lestat? i mean, what's the point of coming into the light if not to have someone really know you? you want the world to see you're real, don't you, lestat? don't you? well, here i am! lestat! there's something you left out of your diary. you kept her violin, didn't you? hey, it's okay. i understand. after all, it's only human. jesus christ. you're right, david. the journal has everything in it. david, listen. i'm going to los angeles for the concert. david, i. i talked to him. look i'm sorry. but i. i have to see what's out there with my own eyes. i'm onto something. i just don't know what yet. i have to find out. it's not emotion. it's instinct. i'll return when i have my findings. good-bye. lestat. akasha! it's not. i. i came on my own. i've been tracking your manager for days. then i figured out you simply have to look the part. i'm not a groupie. are you granting wishes? show me what it's like to be you. that's my last wish. grant it, lestat. all a vampire has is time. right. the covens are coming for you. i understand why you're doing it. you have to be who you are, no matter what happens. but how are you spending what may be your last night on earth, lestat? as you always have. alone. don't kill me yet. let's spend our last nights together. share it with me. show me what it's like to be you. that's right. you don't know what's in my head, lestat. do you want to? gee, lestat, that's a great way to get to know someone. here. i'll give you a preview. coming attractions. this is what you'll find. i have this recurring dream that i'm a child and i'm living in this big house filled with vampires. and every night when i go to sleep, i wish to god the same thing. you know what that is, lestat? that i will have the dream again. because in the dream i'm happy. and the dream is more real than my life. i don't know how, but i know you, lestat. my life is a big mystery and you, you have the answer. i can't go on pretending this life of mine is real. i can't live a lie. i'm just like you lestat. we're the same. no. we're looking for exactly the same thing. you know it. please. show me. i don't care. do that again! did it hurt? love? i thought it was the blood. do you like it? do it to me. please. with your blood i'll know you. i'll know everything. is she alright? lestat, no! lestat! wait! aunt maharet? you're a? oh my god, this is why. i knew i was different. i knew -- am i? and something happened there. i thought i was like him. lestat's all i can think about. i felt like i belonged with him. now i know why. i missed you so much, aunt maharet. but this is my home. this is where i belong. why do you want to get rid of me so quickly? dear aunt maharet, my whole life, i've felt. kind of crazy i guess, different from everyone, and now i know why. you say i now know who i am meant to be. i have found my answers. you are right. i know you want me to be a regular human girl. but i'm not. i can't be. lestat is my destiny. i know that now. i love you, aunt maharet. good-bye. yeah. lestat! lestat! lestat! lestat! and what about lestat? i don't believe that. lestat! what has she done to you? it's all right, maharet. it's what i want. i am ready. i thought i'd lost you. maharet. is she. dead? good question. david, this is lestat. i told you i'd return with my findings. here they are. please don't be sad. i'm where i belong. i'm happy now. what's it like? do you want to find out? well, if you ever should change your mind. oh. i have a present for you. from an old friend. and marius sent a message. you were right. he doesn't go to the dorchester. but he's gonna be at claridge's later. well, i guess this is good-bye. good-bye, dear friend. 102: