whether it was that first meal, the music, or the 100 years of rest, i'm not sure, but suddenly i was feeling better than ever. my appetite for living was voracious. my hearing so exact i could locate precisely the source of the music. my old house. it was hard to believe these beings were mortal -- so confident in their skin. everything in my body wanted to be with them. i couldn't help myself. please don't stop. the door, of course. your music woke me from the longest sleep. it's sublime. in two hundred years i've never heard anything quite like it. the question provoked an irresistible urge. you may call me the vampire lestat. it just rolled out of my mouth. with one simple sentence i had betrayed everything about my kind. betrayed our code of secrecy. your struggles are over. all that you've ever dreamed of will be yours. your lucky day. it was a bold move, i admit. but from that moment on, they were my friends, my children, my band. together we rode on the wave of my preternatural ambition to superstardom, giving the world a new god. me. good evening. i'm so sorry i'm late. i was just having my. breakfast. yes. but why hide it in this day and age? i've hidden in the shadows for centuries. it's time to share myself with the world. our label isn't complaining, no. if you like, i'll give you a private demonstration in your hotel room tonight. after calling one stone tomb home sweet home for so long, i like to experience as much diversity as i can. wouldn't you? maybe i'm trying to resurrect a few old friends with my words. daring them to come out. the casket. i don't like repeating myself. i imagine they are, yes. yes, as a matter of fact, i do. come out, come out, wherever you are. see you all in death valley. come out, come out, whoever you are. you. in. you. no. yes, i'd say i'm down with that. oh, the sweet song of her blood. i'll hear it in my head all night. roger. i didn't know you were religious. roger. be careful, roger. very careful. it was the winter of 1788 and i was brought to a mediterranean island by the man who made me. if a man is what you'd call him. who are you? do i know you? i'm the lord of a great manor. they'll send an army of men to look for me. i'll kill you! chose me? for what? i'm dying. more! i impressed my maker with my thirst for things. he set out to educate me in the unknown. taught me all about the world, its hidden history. and about myself. humanity? we're murderers. my senses run amok, like a newborn child. and as for my new powers, i was beside myself with the pleasure of it all. but why must we hide, marius? we are the powerful, we are the immortal. we should walk fearless in the open! so i could never know her? so i can never be known? my god. my god, what have you done to me? she's just a child. forgive me. the faces of my victims haunted me, rising behind my eyes, reminding me of my fate. i played for days trying to expel the last bit of my human feelings. and face the cold, dark wasteland of eternity. perhaps. so you know marius. not how to stay alive apparently. well, i can fix that. is it? and what else do you think you know? am i? tell me all about it. is that so? what i do is art, is it? something beautiful. well, i'm not hiding now, am i? ah. poor, poor me. well, talamascan, you're certainly a very clever librarian, aren't you? how sad, you people always trying to know the unknowable. so, was it a good read? my diary. talamasca's been following me for years. i've never known one to be so brave. or is it just foolish? go. i'm through with you. your kind never satisfies my thirst. you better just stick to your books, talamascan. 'cause you have it all wrong. i love all this. i delight in it. the dark, dreary world i went to sleep in has burnt itself out and been replaced by the 20th century -- can you imagine my joy at waking up to discover such a world? it has outdistanced my wildest dreams of it. i scream of good and evil, and mortals stand and cheer. i adore being back in action. every moment, every single drop of it! now consider yourself exceedingly lucky and go! what? clever, clever librarian. no, roger, you wouldn't have. yes. for the moment. well. i wouldn't unpack if i were you. ah. yes. no, thank you, roger. i'll make sure they're taken care of. i don't think we've met. of course you do. i'm always hungry. vampires don't eat. food. mine eyes dazzle, she died so young. it's a very old poem of mine. don't do that. i'm very ticklish. i don't know. let's see. yes, marius was impressed with my thirst for knowledge. but it marius! they're. alive. would you like me to play for you? more! let me go! god, her blood is like liquid fire. who are they? release me! marius, please, just one more time. i felt the sun. the light, marius, the light! you'll not stop me. until tonight. and she chose me! me! never you! you'll not stop me! i must have more! marius! marius! please! many times since, i have called to marius. i howled into the night in loneliness and pain. but there was no answer -- just the endless procession of days, months, years. my teacher left me to my darkest lesson -- that in the end, we are alone. i hate bedtime. marius! and you. still wearing the old fashions, i see. how did you manage to slip through the 1950s in red velvet? don't think you missed much. elvis, yes. i'd say a few pounds lighter. though, if you ever catch me wearing a white jumpsuit, you have my permission to slice off my head. live and let live. how did you find me? come, let me show you what it means to live in the light. out there. my fans. thousands and thousands. they worship me. millions of arms reach out to embrace, beg me to come into their lives. with all my black little heart. i only have myself. what's that supposed to mean? good! i'm glad she's risen! let her come. 200 years and the same broken record. well then, it's every vampire for himself. just the kind of rules i like. the rules you taught me. do you remember your first words to me, marius? 'i am unknowable.' i'd rather not exist at all than have to live eternally as a ghost. such reverence for mortals! then you should have left me as one! said the vampire to his son. ah. yes. no, thank you, roger. we'll entertain ourselves. perhaps you would like a tour of the place. first. roger. would you be so kind? roger. not that one. leave her to me. you must be very keen to die. the talamascans have become quite stealthy. i didn't know infiltration was quite their style. how did you find me? clever librarian. you should know, based on all your research, that groupies don't ever find their way out of here again. then why are you following me? what do you want? last wishes. what's yours? i don't have time for this. maybe not. you don't know what you're asking! i don't know what's in that librarian's head of yours, but it's not what you think. i'll know when i kill you. are we? i seek the light. you seek the shadows. alright! this may be painful for a mortal. you're still attached to your skin. close your eyes. don't breathe. and now for my next trick. yes. for just a moment. but as the pain is more intense for us, so is ecstacy. you see, we love our victims. no, although the taste is so rich and sweet. love is the essence of the dark gift. the connection is so much more satisfying, brief as it is, than anything else. as you drink, you feel the heart weakening. it struggles even though there's no hope. you feel the life slipping away, the flash of those brief years. the taste of mortality you can no longer experience. and it is beautiful. no 'relationship,' no commingling can ever reach the heights of that experience. your blood. yes. you want to know everything. you want to see what it's like. then come! i'll show you. come closer, jesse. you want to see? you want to know? you see now? are you ready? now do you want it?! no. of course you don't. well i didn't grant your final wish. it was an impossible wish to begin with. you see, i am unknowable. good-bye, talamascan. jesse. come on, children. i'm so glad i decided to rise. after tonight, death valley will live up to its name! you want more?! this one's for those who've come for me! get out of here! akasha. my wishes? had a king? you? never. can we try that again? show me the world. where are we? you live here? so warm. . their blood. they're mortal. why? this is the reason you have risen? made me see. never. she is my queen. yes. she's nothing to me. but, my queen, you've forgotten my reward! i left you one drop, my love. drink deep and live. drink, my love. i will never leave you again. charmed, i'm sure. unexpected? always. shall we go get a drink, love?