wait. never mind lestat! we have greater problems. don't be so happy, pandora. i knew akasha when she walked this earth. i was her slave. i am now her enemy. i know what she is capable of. she knows only one thing. taking pleasure in destroying life. she is already killing the young ones to build her strength. she has come to destroy lestat, but he will only whet her thirst more. if we act together, we have a chance to destroy her. yes! we must destroy her immediately! if she is not stopped, i'm afraid of what will happen to the entire mortal world. then so be it! we must take that chance. we must destroy akasha. for the sake of humanity! we must find her. now! how? with your own throat! you've all been asleep too long! you're still dreaming. then you go to the concert and you shall see! and i thought the ancients became wise with their years. i don't want you to go, but you must. you must be with your own, my sweetest girl. i'll always be watching over you. forever is a very long time. hello, my princess. yes. oh, jesse, i've missed you so much, but i had to keep this from you. come. you are the most precious of my great family. no. you are not. i was once mortal, too. my sister died before her child was one year old. i took care of that child, and her children, and her children's children. this is our family -- my way of coping with eternity. the labyrinth of life. the family teaches me the rhythms and passions of each age. you are my most prized light. you are what keeps me connected to the world of the living. when your parents died i took you to india to take care of you. i stopped it from happening. and i will again. jesse, you must stay away from lestat. you must forget all about him. yes, i know about your new friend. you think you love him, but it's not as you thought it would be. i know, but it is not who you are, not who you are meant to be. you have found that out now. jesse, you must forget about him. you must trust me. me too. you will go home to london in the morning. now is not the time to be here. you were seeking answers. now you have found them. the family is who you are. you will go home to london tomorrow. akasha will not be able to resist this. she is here. we see now what akasha means to do. rule as queen again. this is why we must fight akasha! for the sake of all mortals. she must be stopped, or the mortal world will end. we can't take that chance. we must finish her. perhaps. lestat has joined with akasha. he is lost to us now. he is never coming back. akasha. akasha. the world has changed since you reigned. we've found other ways to co- exist. i will not. you will not touch her! i beg you, spare this child. wait, lestat! you must stop! my child, let me look at you. you are finally happy. it is as it should be now. i will watch over you always.