hello kym. getting everything ready at the house. is there anyone you want to say goodbye to? the only extra person staying at the house is emma, who's actually been staying in your old room. but she can move, i guess. nachtmare? i brought you a diet coke. let me see. here. anybody else? absolutely, a wedding will take it right out of you, boy. oh my lord. kym, we have gone through nar-anon, baby. you know that. nobody can make you feel any way unless you let them, kym. oh, rachel darling, and sidney, i couldn't be happier. holy cow. what a day. i think i've aged. i mean it. ) would you mind if i went to bed, darling? let me help, it'll be quicker. okay,okay. hands in the air, carol leaves the room. hee hee hee. paul gives him a look. sidney starts humming paul's two minutes. ha! what? she must feel awful. i just wish we knew where she was. you're getting married tomorrow. a hundred people will be here. it's the caterer. oh my lord. why don't you go find your sister? she didn't sleep last night waiting for you.