hello. i'm paul buchman. of course, of course. there is so much going on at the house i can't tell you. you know your sister's doing all of it herself. no wedding planners or anything like that. just her and sidney and a lot of their friends. she is so thrilled you're here. is that everything, sweetheart? you weren't in a cell, kym. and nobody was crazy, nobody was in a rubber room. it's a nightmare so bad it's in german. she's a wigwam! i don't think that that's a problem for her. you'll see her and andrew at the rehearsal dinner tonight. i'm making hot dogs and hungabungas! who wants what?! what don't you eat?! where's kym? kym appears, down the back stairway, behind paul, not shouting. ooo! can i see?! okay, okay! kymmie, what can i make you? i'll drive you. would you do me a favor, kymmie? you wouldn't believe my insurance. and i'm not. that comfortable. could we figure something else out? carol, she's here! i made you a sandwich, sweetheart! meatloaf! she's making an effort, rachel. rachel. she just got home. kymmie, your sister's got a lot on her plate. she's uptight about. she's meeting sidney's folks for the first time, there's menus, there's all that live music, you're home, there's a thousand things to worry about. yeah, it would be so lovely if we could all just. don't even start. what constant monitoring? that's unfair, rachel. and completely untrue. rachel! it's nice that you're getting your ph.d-- --but don't be patronizing. it's ugly. it doesn't become you. what?!! when did you find out? kymmie, she's pregnant. she's exhausted. do either of you want anything? a sandwich? you must be hungry. there's cold saagwala and a little aloo gobi left over? you're pretty everything! he mushes her face and kisses her cheek. then he mushes carol's face. of course not. i'll be up, carol. i'm just going to load the dishwasher. don't mess with the king. yes, sweetheart? of course, lamb chop. i'm so happy! i'm going to be a grandpa! i know, sweetheart. me too. carol, they're back! carol emerges with a tray of lemonade as the rental is rolling to a stop. kieran and kym are climbing out of the car. are you hungry? i made a salad nicoise. it's got tuna! all right. where were we? ah yes. the rosenzwiegs. can you please put the rosenzwiegs somewhere far away from me? they're not my friends. i've just known them my entire life. kym, stop it. you're at the family table. the family table. with us. we can move grandma rose and her companion. that's actually a great idea. she doesn't hate you. nonsense! rachel, what is this behavior? have all the days you want. nobody is taking your day. defending her from what? darling, look, no one's defending any body. i don't want her to feel like we don't want her. stop it. she's your sister. okay. dishes? i'm going to load the dishwasher. sidney, you're a nice young man. you make a lot of money and the world is your oyster. but you don't know shit about loading a dishwasher. you young people should all go fuck yourselves. rachel, you're out of the will. clean out this machine please, boy. so i can break out the whup-ass. rachel, go fetch me my dart gun. kieran, how's my time? i need more dishes. you amateur! somebody give me some dishes! kym yanks open a cupboard and passes a handful of dishes to paul. he begins to load them. you don't hate her. what do you mean she lied? where is she now? thank god. in here. kym comes stomping in. her foils are still intact. rachel. wait a minute. wait a minute. what's this all about? kym, what is your sister saying? did you say you were sexually molested? were you? why in god's name would you say something like that? and look! she is better! it was an accident. no, it was an accident! it was an accident. kym, her hair still in foils, rushes out of the house. hello abby. it's paul. is kym with you? she left the house about an hour ago. she and rachel had an argument. look, abby, it doesn't matter. she left the house. she took the car. i don't know. they were both getting their hair done. for god's sake abby! i'm trying to figure out where she went before i call the police! she wasn't asleep, she was unconscious! and i'm glad i called the police because it took twenty minutes to wake her up and at least something was being done! you're trying to dismiss everything! you're disregarding everything i'm saying, and this failure to listen, failure to understand what is right in front of you is exactly why you will never be able. to help her! what? -- maybe she needs someone to be watchful and present and in her life! she could hurt herself! she could be lying dead in a ditch somewhere! if you hear anything, can i count on you to please call me? okay, then. goodbye. abby hasn't heard from her. well, she's always been creative. i never thought i'd have two little girls. two little girls running around with their tummies sticking out in their diapers. they used to bite me on the nose, the two of them. kymmie? are you all right? they meet at the circular driveway. oh my god is she. look at you! you need to get to a hospital! you can't just vanish. you can't just leave. you have to call. you always have to call. ooo. look at me, i'm dancing. she drags paul to the temporary poolside patio dance floor. paul is a fantastic dancer! sidney drags his dad to the dance floor. he's dramatic and weird! abby smiles politely at kym and goes to sit down with andrew. kieran spirits kym to the patio, where they join the dancers. kymmie. speak of the devil. you remember susanna galeano. susanna has a public relations firm and she just lost one of her assistants. no, no. hardly. well. the firm is opening an office right here in town, just in time for the holidays. you could stay right here. logistically it's just a dream. you could stay in your old room. i could chauffeur you around. you wouldn't have to worry about rent. of course. she's fine about it. you could stay in your old room. suzy's first rate. p.r. can be fascinating. i meant stupid. do you want me to hold that for you? you've got no pockets. 110: