you didn't have to come to cleveland to get beat by a "moulan yan," jake! a grand apiece! we got a grand apiece on this, jake! a fucking grand! don't get out of the ring. you won the fight -- let him go out first. salvy, would i steer you wrong? let's say that's the truck; it's full of cigarettes, right? now, two o'clock this morning we move the truck from here to there, (he points; the camera what do you want from my life, salvy? he's my brother. hey, leave the kids alone. hey jimmy, here's a dollar for your trouble. there's some bums around the corner -- they need your help. here's my new suit. right here. just kidding, take it easy. no fuckin' sense of humor. i can't convince him. he's got such a thick head, i'd like to crack it open myself. believe me, my own brother. it's very hard. you don't have to convince me -- i know we should be with tommy. you talk to him. he don't listen to nobody. all right, i'll try. see you later. right, the gym. what's the matter? what's the matter? you're drinking. you're eating like an animal. what's wrong? hey, c'mon, what's the matter? what're you talking about? he's a heavyweight. you're a middleweight. that's what i'm sayin'. you shouldn't even think like that. it's crazy. you know? sure. what is it? you want me to do what? c'mon, jack. you had a few drinks. jack, i got no gloves. jack! enough! what was that for? i know you can take punches. i can hit you from now to doomsday. what the fuck does that prove? yeah, yeah. they just wanted to talk to you. so i. what are you getting so hot about -- tommy como told him to come down here. i didn't tell them to come. tommy como. you cocksucker. whadda you care? no, i'm not afraid. why? you wanna meet her? cause i'll go right over there and bring her here. you sure you wanna meet her? don't make me go over there, you change your mind and you make me look bad, cause she's really a knockout. she's 15, this kid -- a great piece of ass. no, i see her around the pool. i know her. i know her like that -- not like that. i'm tellin' you, she'll be there, i know she'll be there. how you gonna catch anybody alone at a dance?. i don't know if she'll be there alone. she'll probably be there with her girlfriends or something. nah, she don't go with nobody. she's only 15 years old. probably. you know she talks to everybody, and not just him. ah, some piece of ass, i'm tellin' you. huh? with her? how? ah, no, no. i didn't bang her. i know her from around here, that's all. you want to meet her or what? i'm tellin' you, she'll be there, i know she'll be there. dressed up and everything. c'mon, hurry up. we're never gonna get outa here tonight. what a mouth on her -- you shoulda hit her -- no good fuckin' jewish cunt -- breakin' our balls. you shoulda hit her with a chair. no, but jake. how much abuse can you take. look, could you move a little. would you mind, darling? all right, darling, i'll just stand here and wait. give me a chance. let me look. there she is over there on the other side. what did i tell you? oh, ain't she nice? ain't she a fuckin' doll? hey, vickie, c'mere. don't be afraid. c'mere. just say hello. this is my brother. vickie, i want you to meet my brother, jake. he's gonna be the next champ. the fuckin' papers are full of robinson and nothing on jake -- and jake knocked him clear outa the ring in detroit. he's the only guy ever to beat robinson. whatsa matter with you? i thought we had an arrangement. you holding me up for more cash or what? c'mon, jake. you're makin' us look stupid. i brought these guys up here, now you don't wanna talk to them? what are ya doin'? open your mouth, for christsake. don't worry. don't worry. it's gonna be all right. ask him your questions. he fights the toughest guys around that everybody else is afraid to fight. they robbed us! those fuckin' judges -- what the fuck fight were they watching? if i see them on the street, i'll break their heads. decision robinson, my fuckin' ass! those judges give him the decision 'cause he's goin in the army next week! how else could this have happened?. what do you think they gave him the decision for, that's why. you won and was robbed! you didn't do nothin' wrong. you want us to wait for you? jake, you're the one who said you could get down to 155! what did i do, pull it out of the fuckin' hat? you want the title shot? you want the title shot or not? this janiro's an up-and-coming fighter, this kid you gotta knock out. knockout this fuckin' kid! i'm telling you, this is your step towards getting a shot at the title. listen to me: i'm telling you. you been killin' yourself for three years. there's nobody left -- they're afraid to fight you. this janiro's up-and-coming. he don't know. fuckin' tear him apart, wipe him out! what are you worried about? your weight? look, even if you lose they're gonna think you're weak; they're gonna think you're not the fighter you used to be. they'll match you with guys they were afraid to match you with before, and then you'll kill them and you'll get your title shot. and if you beat this kid janiro, they gotta give you a shot at the title because there's nobody else. either way you win and you do it on your own -- just like you want it. all right? nah, she would never. c'mon, jake. you know she's crazy about you. excuse me for a minute. be right back. jake, come over for a few minutes. tommy wants to say hello to you. c'mon, just come and say hello. i love you. i dunno. we're working on it. he's training at the camp now. we're gonna get our shot. betcha more than he has. ain't he dead? yeah? just a minute. excuse me. i'll be right back. c'mere, let me talk to you for a minute. what're you doin' with salvy? you shouldn't be here with him. jake's away killin' himself. suppose he found out. no, you're his wife. it don't look right. i'm not gonna tell him nothing; but if he finds out, he will kill you. what's the matter with you? aren't you happy? you got everything you want. try to understand, vickie. jake's got a lotta aggravation. he's been a top contender too long. and you're drinking with them right now. you're wrong to be here. let's go. i said, let's go. excuse me, i'm talking to my sister in-law. what do you think, i'm blind? my brother's breaking his ass in a ring, and you're here with his wife. get the fuck outa here. what did you do, take your gangster pills today? i'll tear your fuckin' head off your shoulders! hey, wait -- i'll suck your eyes out! i'll fuckin' take the two of you. fuckin' low-life, cocksucker, etc. yeah, i understand, tommy. yeah, they're good. they're good, tommy. aw, tommy, c'mon, it ain't that. how can he embarrass you? tommy, jake respects you. he won't even say hello to anybody else -- you know that. but you know when jake gets set on somethin', jesus christ almighty could get off the fuckin' cross and he ain't gonna talk him out of it. i'm his kid brother. i got no say with jake on this. he thinks he can buck everybody and make it on his own. whatcha doin'? maybe she's afraid you're gonna hit her so she can't talk to you the way she wants to. try talkin' to her. she's your wife -- ask her what's the matter. jack, if there was anything funny, i would tell you. sure, i'll keep an eye on her. i got good news, and i got bad news. the good news is you got your shot at the title. the bad news is. sure. it woulda been so easy, jack. so easy. stick out your hands, jake. g'wan, do it. protect yourself, rummy. see? that's all there was to it. except fall down like a normal person. all right, you don't wanna fall down, so now you gotta take a rest. so, you enjoy the suspension. 'cause there's nothin' you can do about it. let the commissioner and the d.a. jerk you around. so you wait. we did what we had to do. tommy don't forget. sooner or later you'll get your shot -- if tommy don't die. that's right. "no comment." you like that? good, 'cause i got a lot more "no comments" where that one came from. i'm gonna order up some stuff. have a steak. so eat just a little. you gotta eat something. how long did it take you? no good. try to get it down. it's gotta be no more than 30 seconds to be on the safe side if we gotta stitch him up. jake, somebody wants to say hello to you. jake, jake. look at him, jackie! you got at! the fuckin' championship! he's yours! finish him off. hi, vickie. screw you, jack. what? i just said hello. since when i can't kiss my sister-in-law? well, you're not supposed to kiss your mother on the mouth. i can't tell. you're stomach's in the way. don't give me those looks. i'm just your manager. the minute you start to be champ, you start eating like there's no tomorrow. and you giving me looks. all i know is that i don't have to defend my title next month. when? nothin'. salvy was out of line. he was drunk or somethin', i dunno. anyway, the windup was i gave him a beatin'. tommy called me down, and we straightened it out. it's all forgotten about. it didn't have nothin' to do with you. no, i just told you what happened. jack, no. i just explained the whole thing to you. it was just between me and salvy, if it had anything to do with you and vickie, i woulda told you about it. "you heard some things." will you stop worryin' about that shit? forget about it. you know you got a title fight comin' up. whatever you touched, that's good now. what? i did keep an eye. some things changed between us. now, he thinks who the fuck he is. he's been passing certain remarks that i don't like. what bullshit? hey, i'm your brother. you wanna believe me - you trust me? well, you're wrong jack. i'm tellin" you what happened. he got outta line, we had a fight, and it's staightened out now. so, go ahead. kill everybody. kill salvy, kill vickie, kill tommy como, kill me while you're at it. what do i care? you're killing yourself the way you're eating, the way you worry about things you don't have to worry about. what? i meant, kill everybody. you or me or anybody. you're a big shot. kill, kill. g'head. so what? you're worried about this girl, you're gonna let this girl ruin you're life for you. you wanna worry, worry about your fuckin' stomach that you can't bend over -- that you gotta step in the ring in a month. what? whadda ya mean? whatsa matter with you? i gotta go. i gotta get outta here. i can't take this shit. lenore is waitin' for me. i gotta go. you're a definite wacko. you're fuckin' crazy, you know that, crazy. don't hit your brother! be nice. jake, stop it. stop it. what're you, crazy? hello. hello. what's this, a joke? hello. hey! well, if there's somebody listenin', their mother's a fuckin' whore who takes it in the ass. i can't believe he's getting that jab in.