i just wanted to say hello. i don't know. 'cause you're cute. sure. gimme a few minutes. you don't talk very much. i ain't no movie star. i'm just in high school. jake! the bus! you go first. let me watch how to do this. it feels real good. should i hit it? i can't find my ball. no. can you see it? what does that mean? it's a pleasure to meet you, mr. lamotta. jake, this is your father's bedroom. jake. are you sure we should be doing this? you said never to touch you before a fight. you said i couldn't. you've been good for two weeks. jake. jake, you made me promise not to get you excited. i like the gym smell. oh, jake. joey's right. janiro's up-and coming, he's good looking. well, he's popular. a lotta people like janiro. you beat him and it only figures they'll wanna see you get a title shot. but, what do i know? i should keep my mouth shut, i should. but, jake, i was just. i was just. no, i'm not. i'm looking at you. i'm not interested in him. no, i'm not. jake, c'mon now. don't start. what? yeah. yeah, what? nobody. i love you, remember? what did i say? i never noticed his face. positive. what the hell am i doing wrong? just because jake is training, i can't go out? what am i, a goddamn prisoner? i'm not doing anythina wrong. i'm just trying to have a good time. do i have to be cooped up in the house all the time? well, go ahead, tell jake. he's gonna kill me anyway. it's a matter of time. you don't sleep with him. i do. i don't get to breathe without tellin' him. he keeps me in a cage. if he thinks i'm lookin' at somebody the wrong way, i get used as a punching bag. he don't trust nobody. if he saw the two of us talking together right now, you'd be in trouble too -- believe me. look at me, joey. i'm 19 years old. i wanna enjoy my life. i love jake, but you don't know. he gets crazy sometimes. i'm scared. that's right, take his part. you're his brother. he's never gonna be champ. too many people are against him. and i'm gonna finish my drink. and, i'm gonna have a good time, because i ain't doing nothing wrong. i'll take care of him. thanks, tommy. bye. what did i do? all i did. you're hurting my arm. but jake. i didn't say anything. jake. jake, you're home. what's the matter with you? i went out. i took the kids to my sister's. i got bored so i went to the movies. i went to the movies. "father of the bride." oh, c'mon. for christsake, do i have to tell you everything? what're you talking about? i am answering. jake, no -- i didn't do anything wrong. i swear. i just had a few drinks. i went with sandy and vera. salvy was there. stop it. i just had a drink, that's all. i didn't do anything wrong. nobody, i tell you. jake stop it. all right, i fucked everybody! go ahead, kill me, kill me. i'll say anything you want me to say. i fuckled salvy. i fucked tommy. i fucked your brother. i fucked everybody! what do you want to hear? i sucked your brother's fuckin' cock! yeah, i sucked his cock. you're killing him. you're killing him for nothing. stop it. nothing is what i said! go on, kull me. kill me. i'm not afraid of you anymore. i don't care if you kill me like you're killing him. you're a sick animal. you're not only an animal, you're a stupid animal. you're rotten. rotten. rotten. you're a sick maniac. a maniac! you belong in a mental hospital. well, he ain't dead in case you're interested. i'm leaving you. and i don't care if you do try to kill me. go ahead. i'm not afraid of you anymore. there's worse things than being dead and one of them's living with you -- i'm leaving tonight. i must have been crazier than you are for stayin' with you this long. you're hopeless. you're not gonna let anybody love you. i kept thinking that you'd change when you got to be the champ. but i just can't take it anymore. i'm taking the kids and i'm leavin'. you know, if there's one thing -- i just don't understand you, not one single little bit. you love me? jake, why don't you just try lying down and get some rest. jake -- i want to say something to you without you blowing your stack. why don't you just call him up? no, not that. i don't know. why don't you just call him? tell him how you feel -- you miss him. tell him you're sorry. jake. i'm leaving your jake. no. this time it's true. i didn't bother to tell you until i had everything worked out. no. i won't talk to you where you can use your hands on me. i got a lawyer, jake. we're getting a divorce. i'm getting custody of the kids. i'm sick of it. i can't watch you this way. you're too drunk all the time. there's too many girls. i can't. i don't wanna talk about it. i made up my mind. you got three days to get your stuff out of the house. after that, the cops will be there. i have the kids with me. i never want to see you again. are you drunk? the kids are sleeping. all right, just don't make any noise. what are you doing? but they don't have a case against you. jake, be careful! what're you doing to the belt?! can't you get the money from your friends?