where's at baby? where's he at? cut it out, glen! can i just sneak a peek-a-loo? what's his name? whyncha call him jason? i love biblical names. if i had another little boy i'd name him jason or caleb or- oh! he's an angel! he's an angel straight from heaven! now honey i had all my kids the hard way so you gotta tell me where you got this angel. did he fly straight down from heaven? you gonna send him to arizona state? and then there's diphtheria- tetanus, what they call dip-tet. you gotta get him dip-tet boosters yearly or else he'll get lockjaw and night vision. then there's the smallpox vaccine, chicken pox and measles, and if your kid's like ours you gotta take all those shots first to get him to take 'em. who's your pediatrician, anyway? well you just gotta have one! you just gotta have one this instant! hi, even if he don't get sick he's gotta have his dip-tet! you started his bank accounts? that-there's for his orthodonture and his college. you soak his thumb in iodine you might get by without the orthodonture, but it won't knock any off the college. reilly, take that diaper off your head and put it back on your sister!. anyway, you probably got the life insurance all squared away. you gotta do that, hi! ed here's got her hands full with that little angel! what would ed and the angel do if a truck came along and splattered your brains all over the interstate? where would you be then? or you got carried off by a twister?