short for edwinna. turn to the right! turn to the right! my fai-ants left me. turn to the right! no, hi, i sure don't. i do. that was beautiful. what's the matter?! what d'you mean it didn't work out?! course they cried! babies cry! you go right back up there and get me a toddler! i need a baby, hi; they got more'n they can handle! don't you come back here without a baby! which one ya get? gimme here. oh, he's beautiful! i bet they were all beautiful. all babies are beautiful! don't you cuss around him. we are doin' the right thing, aren't we hi? - i mean, they had more'n they could handle. but you don't think his momma'll be upset? i mean overly? i love him so much! i love him so much! don't be so loud around him, hi. and don't you cuss around him. well see that he don't. he's tired, hi. he's a good boy. don't you think we should put him to bed? just one, okay?. i gotta tell ya, i'm a little scared. well we got a baby, hi. it's an awful big responsibility. i mean we never done this before and i'm kinda nervous. i love you, hi. you're gonna help, aren't ya? give nathan jr. a normal family background, just quiet evenings at home together. everything decent'n normal from here on out. hi! what's goin' on? they ain't gonna take nathan?! kind of late for visitors, isn't it hi? it's a little boy. we call him junior. phoenix. they're separated. no, i'm afraid not. hi, it's two in the morning. what's that smell? you mean you busted out of jail!! now listen, you folks can't stay here! you just can't stay! i appreciate your bein' friends of hi and all, but this is a decent family now. i mean we got a toddler here! don't you honey me. now you boys can set a while and catch up, and then you'll be on your way. they still here? they're fugitives, hi. how're we gonna start a new life with them around? promise just a day or two. he's all right. he was just havin' a nightmare. mind your own bidnis. hi. we're havin' some decent friends over. he's asleep right now. uh. hi jr. till we think of a better one. well- we ain't exactly fixed on one yet. have we hi? no, i guess we don't have one yet. yeah, what if the baby gets sick, honey? he's gotta have his dip-tet, honey. have we done that honey? we gotta do that honey. what's that for, dot? you done that yet honey? yeah honey, what if you get run over? we finally go out with some decent people and you break his nose. that ain't too funny, hi. well they're just kids, you're a grown man with responsibilities. whatever possessed you? how'd he do that? but hi, he's your foreman, he's just gonna fire you now. and where does that leave me and nathan jr.? that ain't no answer. "not by the hair of my chinny-chin- chin." then i'll huff and i'll puff' ". and i'll blow your house in" that son-of-a-bitch. you son-of-a-bitch! that son-of-a-bitch. hang on, pumpkin. that son of a bitch. hold on, nathan. we're gonna go pick up daddy. that son of a bitch. lookie nathan, a police car. say, that looks like bill steensma. hold on nathan, we'll take a shortcut. you son-of-a-bitch! you're actin' like a mad dog! what if me'n the baby'd been picked up? nathan jr. would a been accessory to armed robbery! what kind of home life is this for a toddler?! you're supposed to be an example! we got a child now, everything's changed! i know, but honey - i'm not gonna live this way, hi. it just ain't family life! you two are leaving. tomorrow morning. now i got nothing against you personally. but you're wanted by the authorities and you're a bad influence in this household, in my opinion. i'm goin' in to town tomorrow to see about some shots for the baby. when i come back you better be gone or i'll kick you out myself. good. i don't wanna feel better. i don't care about myself anymore. i don't care about us anymore. i just want nathan junior back safe. if we don't get him back safe, i don't wanna go on livin'. and even if we do, i don't wanna go on livin' with you. i guess i still love you hi; i know i do. i ain't even blaming you. the whole thing was crazy and the whole thing was my idea. lemme finish. since those jailbirds took little nathan i been doin' some thinking, and i ain't too proud of myself. even if mrs. arizona had more'n she could handle, i was a police officer sworn to uphold the constitution of the united states - that ain't the point, hi. we don't deserve nathan jr. any more'n those jailbirds do. and if i'm as selfish and irresponsible as you- if i'm as bad as you, what good're we to each other. you'n me's just a fool's paradise. where's the baby? what is he? i want that baby! gimme that baby, you warthog from hell! we don't want no reward. we didn't bring him back for money. could i just look at him a little bit more? we both did it. we didn't wanna hurt him any; i just wanted to be a mama. thank you sir. we can't have our own.