but sometimes your career gotta come before family. what is it? ma'am. well now h.i., looks like you been up to the devil's bidnis! got a name, does he? "welcome. home. son." where's he been? was that yer folks ma'am? i thought yer folks was dead, h.i.? we don't always smell like this, miz mcdunnough. i was just explainin' to yer better half here that when we were tunneln' out we hit the main sewer - dumb luck, that - and just followed that to - waaaal. what evelle means to say is, we felt the institution no longer had anything to offer us. my lord he's cute. say, who wears the pants round here h.i.? gotcha on a awful short leash, don't she h.i.? whyncha breast feed him? you 'pear to be capable. anyway, that's what doc schwartz tells us. sure h.i. sure h.i. so many social engagements. so little time. well ma'am. we sure didn't mean to influence anyone. well there ain't a thing to apologize for, h.i. it seems pretty clear what the situation is here. now h.i., you'll pardon me for sayin' so, but i get the feelin' that this- here. ain't exactly workin' out. and as per usual, i wouldn't be surprised if the source of the marital friction was financial. but look, i'd rather light a candle than curse your darkness. as you know, evelle'n i never go anywhere without a reason. and here we are in your little domicile. we come to invite you in on a score. i know you're partial to convenience stores but, h.i., the sun don't rise and set on the corner grocery. and here you are sittin' around on your butt playin' house with a - don't get me wrong, h.i., with a fine woman - but a woman who needs the button-down type. just lookahere. though the locals call it the farmers and mechanics bank of lagrange. looks like a hayseed bank and, tell you the truth, it is a hayseed bank. except the last friday of every financial quarter there's more cash in that bank than flies at a barbecue. ya see, h.i., it's when the hayseeds come in to cash their farm subsidy checks. got it in the joint from a guy named lawrence spivey, one of dick nixon's undersecretaries of agriculture. ordinarily we don't associate with that class of person, but. he was tryin' to make brownie points with some of the boys. y'understand, h.i., if this works out it's just the beginning of a spree across the entire southwest proper. we keep goin' 'till we can retire - or we get caught. would it? think about it, h.i. seems to me, stayin' here, y'ain't doin' her any good. and y'ain't bein' true to your own nature. up and attem, h.i. today is the first day of the rest of your life. he's sawin' toothpicks, he'll be fine. you expectin' anybody? you know what's goin' on, h.i. it's just business. now this can go either hard or easy- i luuuuv to drive. yessir, i figure with the ransom and this bank, you'n i'll be sittin' in the fabled catbird seat. what's that, pardner? wuddya mean, he looks okay. well it's perfectly natural. what now? he's a real cheerful little critter once he warms up to ya. they blow up into funny shapes at all? say, where's junior? no, i thought- where'd we leave him?! we'll never give him up, evelle. he's our little gale jr. now. yep. welp. let's do her. wuddya mean, he waits here. all right you hayseeds, it's a stick- up! everbody freeze! everbody down on the ground! shutup! everone down on the ground! that is until they get down there. wanna fill that sack, pardner? we got - shit! where'd all the tellers go? i told you not to use m'damn name! can't you even try to keep from forget'n that?! oh yeah. m'code name. all right now everone, we're just about ready to begin the robbery proper. anyone found bipedal in five wears his ass for a hat. that old timer threw off my concentration. otherwise it would a gone smoother. goddamnit! ya never leave a man behind! goddamnit h.i., ain't we got enough to contend with? let us come with you! he's our baby too!