eight hundred leaf tables and no chairs?! you can't sell leaf tables and no chairs! chairs, you got a dinette set! no chairs, you got dick! i ask my wife she got more sense!. miles, all i know is i'm away from the office to have me some kids and everything goes straight to heck! i ain't gonna stand for it! that sounds like larry. what're they, playing telephone? whyn't you go up and check on 'em? christian dior my butt. they pay money for that? how're the kids? fuckin' kids, i love 'em. no, the missus and the rest of the kids've left town to i ain't sayin' where. they'll be back here when we're a nuclear fam'ly again. nathan jr., i think. yeah: watch yer butt. now don't print that, son. if his mama reads that she's just gonna lose all hope. but remember, it's still business as usual at unpainted arizona, and if you can find lower prices anywhere my name still ain't nathan arizona! what is this?! i didn't steal the damn kid! are you boys crazy?! all i know is i wake up this morning with my wife screaming- course! i know that! yeah, i changed m'name; what of it? yeah, would you buy furniture at a store called unpainted huffhines? no one sleeps nekkid in this house, boy! he was wear- he was wearin' his- a dinner jacket! wuddya think, he was wearing his damn jammies! hell, they're all disgruntled! i ain't runnin' a damn daisy farm! my motto is do it my way or watch your butt! don't make me laugh. without my say- so they don't piss with their pants on fire. i dunno, they were jammies! they had yodas'n shit on 'em! get your feet off m'damn coffee table! damnit, are you boys gonna go chase down your leads or are you gonna sit drinkin' coffee in the one house in the state where i know my boy ain't at?! gimme that! that's a five-hundred-dollar camel's hair- well goddamnit! no leads?! everyone leaves microbes'n whatnot! hell, that's your forte, trackin' down them microbes left by criminals'n commies'n shit! that's yer whole damn raison d'itre! no leads?! i want nathan jr. back, or whichever the hell one they took! he's out there somewhere! somethin' leads to him! and anyone can find him knows the difference between a lead and a hole in the ground!! hell no, why wake the security guard. i'll take care a this. i doubt it. this place's climate- controlled, all the windows are sealed. who the hell are you? stop, you'll make me bust out crying. listen leonard, you want some furniture or a shitbox, they're out on the sales floor. what do you know about it? mister, i got the cops, the state troopers and the federal-b-i already lookin' for my boy. now if you got information i strongly advise- smalls, first off, take your damn feet off m'furniture. second off, it's widely known i posted a twenty grand reward for my boy. if you can find him, claim it. short of that what do we got to talk about? what're you after? and if i don't pay? you wanna know what i think? i think you're an evil man. i think this is nothin' but a goddamn screw job. i think it's a shakedown. i think you're the one took nathan jr. and my fine friend, i think you're the one gonna get his butt kicked. i think i'm on the phone to the cops right now, and i- the hell is goin' on? get away from there. waitaminute. i ain't through with you. what're you doin' creepin' around here in the dark? you in with smalls? leonard smalls, big fella rides a harley, dresses like a rock star? suppose you tell it. do they. all right, boy, i guess you got a re-ward coming. twenty thousand dollars. or, if you need home furnishings, i can give you a fine of credit at any of my stores. fact, that's the way i'd rather handle it, for tax reasons. but it's up to you. well, we could work it that way too. be my guest, young lady. but would you mind tellin' me exactly how you- you took him, didn't you? wasn't that biker a'tal. shutup boy, no one's callin' the authorities if there's no harm done. aw bullshit. just tell me - just tell me why you did it. well lookit. if you can't have kids you gotta just keep tryin' and hope medical science catches up with you. like florence'n me - it caught up with a vengeance. and hell, even if it never does, you still got each other. well ma'am, i don't know much but i do know human bein's. you brought back my boy so you must have your good points too. i'd sure hate to think of florence leavin' me - i do love her so. you can go out the way you came in. and before you go off and do another foolish thing, like busting up, i suggest you sleep on it. at least one night.