lots of things. buddy, mostly. sure. let me take your suitcase. the new girl is here. she talks a great deal and smiles a lot. she's very pretty, she has a real good figure. she's very girlish or womanish, if you know what i mean. she wouldn't hurt anybody, this girl. she couldn't. you mean confirmed, mother. i didn't confirm it before. i would have had to confirm it previously, in order for it to be reconfirmed. in the kitchen drinking all the ice water in glenville. she walked out here, she didn't go by the hotel. rose, who were those scoundrels in birmingham? but who were they? in what sense were they bad? did they try to induce you to become a prostitute? was that what they tried to do? was that why daddy gave you the job, to save you from those scoundrels? hey, rose, did you hear about that terrible thing down in cave springs? there was this old man that ate his niece. he really did, he ate his little niece. he made pork chops out of her. well, it's only the truth. there are horrible things in the world, rose. rose is almost as sentimental as mother. if there's one thing i can't stand it's sentimentality. in chattanooga this man committed an almost perfect murder. he killed his wife with a black widow spider. daddy says rose is calm as lettuce. do you believe that, doll? oh, waski, you don't even know what we're talking about. it's pitiful. neither one of them know. no, he doesn't. not really. it's really pitiful. she's in bad shape. yeah. oh, waski, you don't know anything. all right, what do you know? there goes mother. let's go peep from the living room. at least. they're discussing it. this is my place and you can't have it. he's trying to get up -- good god, one of her titties is out! now i can't see. what are they doing? what are they doing? what are they doing, doll? is that all? let me look. aww-rr. she's putting the titty back. you shouldn't watch such things, doll. wonderful? he kissed her and played with her titty, and i don't see anything so great about that. he was probably afraid mother would come back early and catch him. thermopylae. the persians shall not pass. no, i'm awake. what's the matter? well, all right. what is it, rose? what'd you do, rose? you were pretty bad, huh? but, rose, what is the cause of it all? but, rose, how could such a thing as that happen? can i touch you here? hmmm, it's soft. it's awful soft. well, i thought they were more like a cantaloupe. there's some kind of gristle in it, though. actually, i am, though. can i put my hand inside your nightgown, rose? rose, can't i see what the nipple on it is like? but i'm curious, rose. just for a second. please, rose, what's the harm? aw, come on, rose, i want to see what the nipple on it is like. aw, be a good sport, rose. you like me, don't you? i like you a lot. hmmph. it has a nipple, all right. first i couldn't feel it, but now i feel it easily, it's like a little acorn. that was very interesting. thank you, rose. it was softer'n i thought, that was my main impression. you know, if you hit a girl there it would hurt her a lot. well, some fiend might. there's an evil streak in everybody, rose. rose, i have a serious favor to ask you. rose, since you're here in bed with me and everything and i've already touched your titty. i'm curious to see what it's like. i'm very curious, rose. yeah, but satisfaction brought him back. can i? can't i touch it a little, rose -- not a lot, just a little? please, rose. i'm curious, that's all, i have a natural curiosity, it's only human. you're my friend, aren't you? don't you like me? i like you, rose, a lot -- in fact, i love you. yes, i do. please, rose, be a good sport. i'm thirteen. and i have a natural curiosity. it's only nature, rose, that's all. now what's wrong with nature, huh? but rose. am i hurting you? but why, if i'm not hurting you? rose, beyond a doubt this is the most fascinating experience of my life. rose, are you all right? are you sick or something? don't worry, rose, i won't tell a soul. good night, rose. wait till you hear what happened! now you wont believe this, doll, but rose came in my room and got in my bed last night. and she sweated and snorted like a horse and had a horrible fit, her eyebrows were all scrunched up and she groaned like she was eying and foamed at the mouth! i said i wouldn't. well, i don't know what you're worried about. it was my idea, i was the one who thought of it, not you. rose, they could stick splinters under my fingernails, and i will never say a word! i will never tell them, because. i love you! you're going to get yourself up and go out? mother, i have to tell the truth. i wasn't reading huckleberry finn, i was reading one of those little dirty comic books. mother, cant you make it calomel instead of castor oil? geccch, yehh, guhhhh! uhhh, gahdam stuff! i said ahhh-dam stuff. yes, i did, mother. your hearing aid isn't working right. i said ahhh-dam stuff. shut up, doll. i'll cut your guts quiet, you little muddy-eyed brat, or ill kill you! she's getting herself up to go out. she's getting herself up to go out. i think she's coming down the hall now. here comes daddy. heh, what a hypocrite. yeah. well, a little. well, yeah. no. why should rose be in my room? i don't know. rose, you must know who the fellow is. chattanooga. i had st. louis, missouri. so am i. it isn't that she hasn't got any sense, doll. her basic intelligence is probably above average, maybe quite a bit above average. dumbness doesn't concern her, doll. and neither does smartness. you see oh, boy. oh, boy, oh boy. daddy isn't going to like this. come on! rose, if you don't keep your boyfriends away from the house, daddy is going to fire you. they've been in there the longest kind of time. i can't stand it, i gotta find out what's going on. mother is struggling desperately. in fact she's fighting like a tiger. but i don't know, it's close, it's mighty close. doll, don't ask childish questions. oh, waski, you don't even know what we're talking about. rose, you are too uncritical of people. he did? rose, i have got doubts about that doctor and so does daddy. yeah, i'd believe it. rose, you are just entirely too uncritical of people. yeah, he's still up there. excuse me, gotta go to bathroom. i'll be right back. i don't know. but you better watch him like a hawk, if he comes back again. well, it's not very plain. but how would you find him? well, i don't know. no, i don't know, daddy, i think the rain has obscured it. well. maybe. he's not going to fire her. sense doesn't mean anything to rose. but i think we're on safe ground now. daddy chained up the ladder, whoever it is can't get in the house. daddy, what's the matter? rose says she's goin' to have a baby and she sure looks it, but i don't think so. that's the least of her troubles. rose had a rare tropic disease and the little tubes in her that babies swim down are all stopped up, she told me all about it. you won't die, rose. i gotta find out what they're saying. you lie back and rest, rose, and i'll give you a report on it. here comes daddy. okay. what are you going to do, rose? they're dumb things. i got tired of them. five hundred rabbits? how did the rabbits kill him? well, that doctor said you got protein somewhere and i guess he was right. what was your mother like? maybe it was eating all those rabbits that made you sexy, rose. i heard you talking. hasn't rose come in?