buddd-dee! my god, if it ain't buddy! well, if this ain't the darnest thing! awww-rr, buddy, come on, you know me! it's dave wilkie! i'm dave wilkie, don't you remember me? well, i am in the construction business, buddy, and without braggin' i have done real good at it. there are those who wouldn't have expected that out of me. right now i'm buildin' a giant motel unit near alexandria, outside washington, d.c. not fi-nance, i'm on the construction side. oh, it's all right, beats jew york. but the niggers have took it over, just like every other city we got, only worse. but i have done real good in the construction field. what i don't know about buildin' ain't worth knowin'. i knocked off twenty-eight thousand smackeroos last year, how's that for an old country boy? ha ha, course you make a lot more. what's that you got there, buddy? galley what? how about that. well, you always were a screwball. i don't mean that the way it sounds. imagine it, a book. and i used to know you personal way back when. tell me something, buddy, how do you dream up all that stuff? heh heh heh heh, same old buddy, always jokin' around. almost as much of a joker as your daddy. i saw your daddy a coupla years ago, i was up in glenville lookin' at a motel site. i guess that's where you're headed, huh, to see him? hey, girl! hey, you, give us another drink! dumb little bitch, supposed to give us two in the first place. this friggin' airline's out of its mind. the sons of bitches tried to put me in tourist. but our whole civilization is screwed up, buddy. the heebies and the coconuts have took it over and ruined it. took your time gettin' here. supposed to get two drinks in the first place. this friggin' airline can't do nothin' right. near alexandria. it isn't in alexandria, it is outside it. that's correct -- outside it, not in it. as for the job, well, the jewboy suppliers give me a lot of grief and we use a pile of niggers to haul and tote and they ain't worth a sorry-ass damn. but i can build anything, buddy. give me the plans and i can build a goddamn staircase to the moon. it's a fact, i can build anything. . but she never believed that. oh, hell, no, she never believed in me. doubted my ability all along, the little bitch. i never remarried, buddy, you know that, don't you? she's te reason -- cured me of women once and for all. oh, i got rid of her, buddy, i didn't waste no time kickin' that bitch out. hell, she was screwin' everybody in savannah. i caught her in a motel with this long tall son of a bitch and boy did i beat the everlastin' piss out of him! she didn't marry him, though, later she married another guy and went to winston-salem. it didn't last that girl couldn't have no lastin' marriage, she left him and married another dumb sucker and went out west. little bitch left him, too, and you know what she's married to right now? a kike. that's right, some kind of kike horse doctor named schapiro out in seattle, who's got the nerve to have the same first name i got. wouldn't you know it, rose would wind up married to a goddamn kike? she was always out of her friggin' head and i'll tell you why. buddy, she was sick in her mind and between her legs, too. she was a nymphomaniac. i don't want to start no fight with you, buddy. why do you say i'm full of shit? you loved her, didn't you. well, so did i. you'll have to admit she had four husbands. she used to call me mr. right. remember that, buddy? well, i tell you, i don't know what the world's come to these days. things used to be better. we didn't have any money, but things were better. goddamn niggers and kikes burning the flag, rioting, raising hell -- they ought to shoot their asses off. i tell you, buddy, where this country made its mistake was allowing people without property to vote. well, got to get a plane to savannah. great running into you, buddy. give my best to your daddy. ah-h, if you happen to run into rose sometime. do me a favor, give her a message for me, will you? buddy, i'm a sick man. i had a heart attack last year, i wasn't expected to live. you might see her. she writes your daddy, and she and that doctor came to see him, didn't they? i wish you'd tell her something. i never could write letters. oh, to hell with it, never mind. don't tell her anything. don't even tell her you saw me. got to run, buddy, i'll miss my plane.