cut to a shot of pov daddy and buddy of rose walking along. cut to a shot of rose as she walks along, swinging her hips and her pocketbook and smiling at whoever she sees. she passes a few people and she smiles cheerfully at them -- the men stare with a flat interest at her and the women frown, but she smiles at one and all. cut to a shot of daddy and buddy in the car, watching rose. cut to a shot of rose and the young salesman. rose glances at the man, glances at him again, then sighs and speaks. cut to a shot of daddy and buddy in the car, watching. cut to a long pov shot of rose and the young salesman. they are talking amiably. both are smiling. cut to a shot of daddy and buddy. cut to another pov shot of rose and the young salesman. it is another long shot. music on track. they are smiling, talking. the young salesman seems to ask rose a question. she nods and takes his arm and they walk off. cut to daddy and buddy. daddy is staring pensively at the scene. a shot of rose and the young salesman as they walk along. she is holding his arm and they are smiling and talking as if the best of friends. we hear music on the track. the music continues over the following montage of shots.