cut back to buddy and rose in bed. he has evidently sweet talked her into letting him fiddle with her; his hand is- in her nightgown. there is no indication of lewd interest on rose's part, a peeved and exasperated look is on her face. buddy seems quite fascinated, however. a shot close on rose and buddy in bed. evidently rose has weakened and is allowing him to fiddle with her, but we can only surmise this, the shot is on their heads and shoulders and a cloud has crossed the moon, the light is more dim. a different look is on her face, a solemn expression as if she is listening to some far away sound that she finds strangely haunting. she moistens her lips, speaks in a slightly feeble voice. cut to a shot close on rose ai buddy in the bed. the shot is of their heads and shoulders. she has an arm very tight around his shoulders and her eyes are shut tight. the moment of truth is at hand. cut to a shot of rose and buddy in the bed. the extremity of her crime has dawned on rose and she is sitting up in the bed with a look of horror on her face. buddy is staring worriedly at her. cut to a shot of buddy half asleep in bed. the light of the lamp by his bed goes on and he sleepily opens his eyes. the camera comes back and we see rose in her nightgown standing by his bedside. she is very pale and tears are on her cheeks. cut to a shot of rose and buddy. rose is sitting on the bed beside him and she has dried her tears and got herself in hand.