cut to a shot of buddy and doll tiptoeing down the darkened hall toward the front door. we hear the model-a going down the drive. they peer out of the glass of the front door. they whisper. cut to a shot of daddy walking down the downstairs hall in a bathrobe and slippers. he looks very frowzled and sleepy. cut to a shot of buddy coming with great furtiveness from the living room out into the front hall. very cautiously, he tiptoes across the hall and bows down and listens at the door of his mother's bedroom-study. he crouches down, peeps through the keyhole. cut to a shot of buddy crouched at the keyhole. with great alacrity, he jumps up and hurries across the hall and shuts the living room door just as daddy whisks open the bedroom door. daddy grimaces. cut to a shot of buddy in the hall. he jumps up and hurries across the hall into the living room. again, as the living room door shuts the bedroom door opens. mother starts up the stairs, her mouth determined. cut to a shot of buddy, doll and waski in the front hall. they are badly frightened, even terrified. the camera pans to show the ambulance attendants carrying rose strapped in a stretcher down the stairs, as mother helps and daddy follows, both of them very worried. rose is conscious now and her eyes roll with terror toward the children. cut to a shot of buddy as he goes down the hall, eyes narrowed. cut to a shot of the front hall as rose comes through the front door. she is very excited, happy.