cut to a shot of mother's bedroom-study in the moonlight. we see daddy lying wide-awake in a single bed staring broodingly out into space. mother lies asleep in a big four poster in the background of the shot. daddy sighs wearily to himself in the grip of "insomnia in reverse." cut to a shot of daddy sitting on the edge of his bed in pajamas. he looks frowzle-haired and glum. the camera follows him as he wearily gets up and walks across the bedroom in the moonlight and takes a package of cigarettes from a bureau. be glances over his shoulder as we hear mother. cut to a shot of daddy, lying in bed and staring up sleeplessly at the ceiling. insomnia in reverse has got him. cut to a shot of daddy in pajamas peering out of the bedroom window. cut to a shot of daddy and mother. it is another "keyhole shot." cut to a shot of daddy, mother and rose in mother's bedroom study. we see the grillwork of the heat ventillator in the floor. daddy is at the climax of his speech. cut back to daddy, mother and rose in the bedroom-study.