cut to a shot of rose as she enters her small bedroom. feebly, as if totally exhausted, she shuts the door behind her then leans against a bureau and states into its mirror. the horror of her own criminality has overwhelmed her. with trembling hands, she takes a cigarette from her half empty pack and finds a wooden kitchen match on the bureau. her hands tremble visibly as she strikes the match. she has not turned on the light in her room and her considerable charms are very apparent in the orange glow of the match. burning match in her fingers, she stares at her own reflection in the bureau mirror, transfixed by a horrible realization. cut to a shot of rose standing horrified before the mirror. the match is still burning in her fingers. cut back to rose standing before the mirror, sick with horror. a feeble whimper-like groan comes from her. cut to a shot of buddy and rose as he stands in the doorway of her room. rose is sitting on the edge of her bed in her nightgown, a damp cloth held against her jaw which seems a little swollen. a look of fear and guilt is on her face. cut to a shot of mother as she walks over and stares down in shock at rose on the bad. rose is lying back on a pillow and staring groggily at her, obviously not quite all there. frowning with worry, mother sits beside her and puts a hand on her forehead. a shot of rose in bed in her own bedroom. she is propped up on pillows and wearing a rather attractive pink silk housecoat of mother's. a tray is on her lap and she is eating her supper as buddy sits on the edge of the bed talking with her, or rather listening to her. it is obvious she is well on the road back to health.