hello. i'm rose, and i've come to live with you and your family. what's your name? what do they call you? buddy. well, now, that's a nice name, i like it. i am real pleased to meet you. hey, look, do you think you got a cold drink of ice water somewhere? you're sweet. oh, no, ma'am. yes, sir. yes, sir. yes, sir. nobody. they were just bad men, that's all. bad is bad, buddy. there ain't no sense to it. i don't answer talk like that, buddy. i just don't hear it, i turn my back and look away. your daddy is a wonderful man, i'll say that. he's the best and most kind-hearted man in the world. what terrible thing in cave springs? i didn't hear you. i didn't hear that. i don't hear you. i just turn my back on that kind of talk and look away. buddy, you are in one of your evil moods, i don't want to talk to you. i'm going out and sweep the patio. what are you studying now, mrs. hillyer? are you going to get your degree soon? it must be wonderful to be so smart. i don't see how you do it, reading all those books, learning all that stuff. you're so sweet. i like to work. i don't mind work. it's the least i can do after all you and mr. hillyer have done for me. you're so sweet. there never was nobody like you. yes, ma'am. oh, i don't know, i. i. i. i'll get the grits. no, ma'am, i'm just fine. oh, oh! oh, mr. hillyer, i love you, i love you so much! i've tried, but i can't help it! please kiss me -- will you kiss me? yes, crazy about you! kiss me, mr. hillyer! no, no! you don't understand, i love you! it's real love and i can't help it! please kiss me, mr. hillyer, i love you, i love you so much. don't make me. me. me. get up! ohh-hhh. ohh. oh-h, i'm sorry. i'm sorry, mr. hillyer. i just. couldn't help myself. i'm sorry. oh, i know. she's so sweet, she's been so good to me. buddy. are you asleep? buddy, i am wandering in a wilderness, lost. i just feel awful. do you mind if i get in bed with you for a little while? i thought i'd go crazy back there in that room all by myself with nobody to talk to. as a child, i never had no room all to myself, we were awful poor. buddy. i have got a confession to make. it's so terrible i can't tell you. oh, buddy, you don't know how it hurts to have a broken heart, what a terrible feeling it is, and i've had a broken heart so many times. men, i don't understand them, i can't figure them out and they break my heart, that's all. i can't find mr. right, buddy, i can't find him no matter how hard i look, all i find is a whole pile of mr. wrongs. but this is the worst ever because it wasn't his fault. it was my fault, oh yes, my fault, i was bad -- oh god, i was bad, you wouldn't believe how bad i was. buddy, i was horrible. i can't tell you who it was, but do you know what i did? i sat on his lap and got ahold of him and wiggled and wiggled my ass on him and was worse'n you could know, a child like you. why, i let one of my tits fall out deliberate on purpose and practically smack him in the face with it and i let my dern skirt come up so he could see my drawers. but to get back serious to what i was sayin', it is not only, buddy, the loss of him but my own bad behavior what bothers me so. why, it has just made me ill, buddy. i'm sick. i don't want to eat nothin', i don't, and me i got a good appetite, that ain't nat'ral for me. i'm ill. promise not to tell doll? -- or nobody? buddy, it's your daddy! i'm so much in love with him i am out of my mind! i fell madly in love with him when he called me rosebud. you know that first day when i come and he said i looked graceful like a capital letter s and called me rosebud? i fell madly in love with that man right then. but it's a lost love, buddy. he's a good man and won't have nothin' to do with me. what did you expect? ha ha ha, that's some idea, a cantaloupe. buddy, quit that, you're just a child, you're not supposed to be interested in such things. you know, that daddy of yours is the funniest man, the things he says, you never know what's going to come out of his mouth next. no, you can't. and i'll tell you this -- he scares me. as kind as he is, he scares me. you can't fool around with him, not with that man. and, boy, i sure better not try nothin' like that with him again, he'll fire me. buddy, what's come over you? a child like you, askin' such things. buddy, get your hand offa me! quit it, get you hand away. buddy, you don't realize it but what you're doing isn't nice. you don' t need to know that. it's none of your business. well, are you satisfied now? can we just lie and talk, huh? 'course it does. all right, that's enough. you're just a child and wouldn't understand it, but that type of thing can stir a girl up. now lie back and we'll talk. don't mention it. who would want to do such a thing as that? you know, buddy, sometimes i can't figure you out at all. you can be very nice, but like your mother said there's an evil streak in you. there ain't none in your daddy. you know, what happened has just made me love him all the more. i not only love him, i respect him, i admire him. most men wouldn't do what he done. if they can get a girl they go right ahead and get her -- i guess to hell they do, just like a dern rabbit. 'course later they'll tell her she's no good when they done the same thing their selves. they're a bunch of monkeys. i like 'em, but they're a bunch of monkeys. why, buddy, shut your mouth! what an awful thing to say, and where did you get any such idea as that, anyhow? well, now that is just too bad! curiosity killed the cat. no! you ought to be ashamed of yourself astin' such a nasty things a child your age! of course you can't! i'm. i'm shocked at you, buddy, real shocked! now you be quiet or i'm going back to my own bed! well, you're sweet, but you don't really love me. buddy, you're just a child. well, nothin'. you better quit that. i must be outta my mind. buddy, quit it. no. no, you're not hurting me. but i think you better quit it. you wouldn't understand. oh, god, i must be outta my mind. what would your momma think? ohh-hh! ohhh-hh! oh, buddy, you're so sweet. i love you a lot. no. no, i'm all right. oh, god, what have i done? i have robbed a cradle and fallen into hell! i must be crazy, a child like you. oh, god, oh, lord. this is awful, this is terrible, i gotta get outta here! buddy, you wouldn't tell nobody, would you? i sure hope you don't. i gotta get outta here, good night. nothin', just goin' to the bathroom. no, sir. good night. ohh-hh, ohhh-hh. ouch! oh-hh. ohh. he'll tell 'em for sure, he will. oh, lord, what can i do? i hate to turn on this light, you daddy's awake downstairs, but i have to take the chance. buddy, please don't tell on me. buddy, i have to ask you, as bad as i've been please have pity on me and don't ruin me by telling them what i did. i know it was bad, it was bad and dumb. but mostly it was dumb, i didn't mean you no harm, i'd never want to hurt a hair on your head and that's the truth. i love you. but they'd think i did, they'd think i was awful, they'd despise me and hate me. you don't understand. they'd blame me, not you. and they'd think i was awful, a disgustin' girl, which i am, but buddy, please don't tell them. please don't. ill have to go and i love it here, i love your whole fam'ly, your daddy, your mother. buddy, i know i'm no good, i'm a bad girl but i can't help it, please have pity on me and don't tell! please don't, please. oh, buddy, you do love me! i knew you did, knew it all the time. well, ill tell you this. i have learned a lesson tonight. i wasn't gonna run around, but when i start botherin' your daddy and worse robbin' a cradle, i gotta face the facts of life. tomorrow mornin', i'm gonna get myself up and go out. buddy, mr. right is out there somewhere and i'm gonna find him! how do you like my outfit? i made most of it myself. i have a knack for designing clothes. but i had to buy the shoes and the pocketbook. oh, no, that's the style. it's meant to be clinging. nothin'. i got myself up, that's all. yeah. i'm goin' out. you're so sweet. why, sure, always got time to get you a half-a-cup, and one of these days i'm gonna get you a whole cup and see what happens. sure, love one. here's your half-a cup of coffee. well, it has buttons. there are more on the other side. yes, ma'am. did your momma really give you castor oil? you're my sweetheart. my rose. it's kind of like a motto. people will say, there comes rose with her rose. yes, sir. i had to go to the bathroom. oh, anywhere downtown. oh, i'll just mosey around here and there. it'll do just fine. bye-bye, see you later. my feet sure do hurt. mrs. hillyer, i don't know who he is, i really don't. well, he might be that man who followed me home from the store the other day. but i don't know who he is, buddy, i really don't. i don't know him. i swear to god i don't know who in the world he is. really, i don't, i don't know no boy like that, i don't. i got an awful toothache. but i don't know who they are. yes, mr. hillyer, it was. i. i heard strange voices in the night. yes, sir. oh. oh. oh! i think. maybe. one of 'em. was foster. but i don't hardly know him! ohhh-hh, ohhh. i'm not hungry. i don't want to go to the dentist. yes, sir. yes, sir. ohh-hh, a little. oh-h, i ain't never been to no dentist before. he's gonna kill me, i just know it. yes, you are. look, you can't kid me. i'm not goin' in there, i don't like the looks of it! oh-hh, ohh-hh, lord, he's gonna kill me. never again, never again. no more dentists, no more dentists. wonderful. except i can touch the place back there with my tongue, i wouldn't even know i had that tooth pulled. boy, for four or five days there i didn't think i'd live. but i'm my old self again! oh, no, sir. yes, ma'am. i got an awful bad cold. well, i don't know what happened. they were arguin' about baseball, then all of 'em started fightin'. as for that policeman, i didn't bite him, i don't think i bit him. i got an awful cold, i think i'm sick. i didn't mean to bite him. he was hitting horton with a blackjack in the meanest way and. and i bit him accidental. i didn't mean to bite him, i really didn't. yes, air. what? wha-at? mrs. hillyer? buddy! dolly! they're takin' me to the hospital! don't let 'em, don't let 'em! pray for me. oh, he's so kind, so gentle inside, and so unhappy with that rich wife who doesn't understand him, her being a southerner and everything, and what a bedside manner he has got -- so gentle and kind beneath the professor way he acts! you don't know the bedside manner that man has got. why, it does me good just to see him sit there all solemn and go pokin' in his bag like he's gonna cure me, which he did of course. and even more important he loves me, like a patient i mean, the other day he got tears in his eyes just listenin' to my heart beat. yeah, he tried to hide it but i saw 'em, and a little bit he says to me, "you know, you are beautiful." now wasn't that a nice thing for a doctor to say to a patient, wasn't it? what could cheer a girl up more? he's got doubts about hisself and that's the saddest thing of all. would you believe that poor man thinks nobody likes him? well, i like him. i used to be afraid of doctors but not any more. why, he could operate on me any old time and i wouldn't even be scared. i ain't neither. listen here, buddy, besides all his vast medical knowledge, he has the most kindest heart beneath the professor way he acts -- he wants justice in the world and he's got some real interestin' ideas. justice, that's what he wants, justice for everybody and especially for niggers. and i think that's real nice of him because black people don't have a very good life, you got to admit that, to be a nigger is sometimes practic'ly fatal, but the wife don't understand all of that, she thinks niggers are just so much dirt, which anybody ought to know better if they been on their ass their ownselves -- and that is the cause of his profound unhappiness, buddy, that no-good-mean wife with all her southern prejudice against niggers and everything! yeah, it's kinda nice. well, you're real sweet to make it for me. there never was nobody like you. and you don't need to worry, i ain't goin' out no more. i don't want to. when i was lyin' there in that hospital bed at death's door i says to myself, i ain't goin' out no more. if i ever get outta this, i'll just stay home. besides, there ain't no mr. right out there. or if there is i can't find him, all i find is a pile of mr. wrongs. i ain't goin' out no more. all right, we'll play monopoly then. yes, sir. yes, sir. there ain't nobody here, mr. hillyer! honest, there ain't! well, it's billy. well, mr. hillyer, billy's very poor, he don't have no money and there wasn't no place else to go. he's a nice boy, you'd like him. he wants to be a fireman. under the mattress. i hid 'em so you wouldn't be mad. he wants to marry me, he loves me. i can't marry him, he's too young and hasn't got no job, but he loves me. now you wouldn't hurt him, would you? mr. hillyer, i know it was bad and i hadn't ought to of done it. but i'm only a human girl and i. i ain't always perfect. i promise i won't let him in the house no more, i promise. won't you and mrs. hillyer forgive me? what's the use, there ain't none. i'm not hungry. i can't eat nothin', i haven't been able to eat since i got fired. i think maybe i'm sick. yes, sir. well, i'll do the dishes, then i'm goin' to lie down a minute and rest. my stomach hurts. tennessee? well. what kinda job is it? you mean a farm? i'm not cryin' because of me, i'm cryin' because of somebody else. well, i was born on a farm myself. and i hate to think of the baby being born on one. mine. yes, mine. i'm going to have one. well, i. i. i don't know. maybe it was. but no, you can't be sure about a thing like that. it wasn't billy, i didn't know him. well, now, mrs. hillyer, i. ah-h, that's kinda hard to say. oh-h, mrs. hillyer, i. i can't think. i. i'm not really sure. oh, i know. but i didn't, really. honestly, i didn't. there was only one, but he's out of town and leave no forwardin' address. yes, i am. yes, mr. hillyer, i am. i haven't had my period for three months and my stomach is getting big. it's so, mr. hillyer. well, all right, if you just won't believe me. i don't mind. oh, buddy, they're gonna cut me all up! they're gonna cut my stummick all open, i'll die! buddy, i'm scared, i'm scared! i don't want to know. perfect, wonderful, good as i ever felt! except for a big old scar on my stummick, i wouldn't even know i been in the hospital. well, i'll pay you that back sometime, mr. hillyer. what was it, mr. hillyer? i was offered that job as a waitress. hi, buddy. how's my sweetheart who never told on me when i was bad? makin' homes for purple martins, huh? we had 'em on the farm. they're the prettiest things. that's what i wish i was, a bird. just fly around catch bugs and have a lot of fun. take a little walk with me, huh? i guess i'll work as a waitress, buddy. i done that before and it got me in worse trouble than you could know, but i can't stay here no more. why did you get rid of your rabbits, buddy? did you know when i was a child we had pretty near five hundred rabbits? yep, we had 'em in orange crates all over. it was daddy's dream. he was goin' to get rich raisin' rabbits. it was what killed daddy. he didn't drown hisself till a long time later after momma and lunette died of typhoid, but it was them rabbits what killed him. he thought he could sell 'em, but nobody but country folks eat rabbits, buddy, and they ain't got no money. we had to eat them dern rabbits our own selves. every dern one, and it took about four years to eat 'em all up. boy did i get sick of rabbit. but later on after momma died and daddy wasn't doin' nothin' but drinkin', i sure would of been glad for a little rabbit stew. you know, i oughtn't to of told you about what daddy done when i was a child. until them rabbits ruined him, he was a real good man, buddy. a saint just like your own mother. she's up in heaven right now, her and lunette, there ain't no doubt about it. buddy, sex don't mean a thing to me. it ain't nothin' but a mosquito bite. i'll tell you a secret. girls don't want sex, buddy, girls want love. yes. year you can, you sure can. you'll never guess what happened! i have met mr. right! i been with him all day and he loves me, i know he does, he loves me and he's going to marry met be's practi'cly ast me already! and who do you suppose he is? that policeman who arrested me, the one i bit! he is mr. right! and now waski, are you and buddy and dolly ready for some ice cream, huh? do you like picnics or don't you? okay. well, all i know is there's ice cream. and i'm gonna have me a plate right now! oh, mr. hillyer! i just can't stand to say goodbye! i love you all! goodbye, buddy! goodbye, dolly! goodbye, waski! goodbye! goodbye!