you're rambo? ke-rist! jeez, i never would have guessed. you undercover, lieutenant? great disguise. he says he's team leader on this show. begging the colonel's pardon but i understood i was up to lead my next mission. clown? now back up there, buddy. mission control! they call us the field-unit meat- puppets. ever do this from a jet? vietnam was a little before my time. so was korea, know what i mean? no problem. duck soup. son of a bitch! insertion. call in to base camp by transat. proceed to point tango november for rendezvous with our ground contact. indigenous agent. co phuong bao. we've been over this three times. co phuong bao. the guide takes us twelve klicks upriver to target at ban. at ban. bo peep. shit! to target at ban kia na. we probe the site. then proceed downriver to extraction at point echo delta. doyle takes us out by helicopter, we all live happily ever after and that's the last time, rambo! i swear to christ. gettin' old, huh? transponder-satellite relay. the signal's coded into infrared pulses, picked up by the spy satellite, bounced to the ground station in okinawa and relayed to the hut. no radio source. nothing for the bad guys to triangulate on. that's what i'm here for. we're leaving tonight, not in a week. alright. alright. yeah. why not? crazy fucker. what about him? whoo-ya! i love it! check. read you. keep it down, man. i got problems. modified m-16 a2 and over-under m-79 grenade launcher, with sionics sound suppressor, tracor starlight scope and lac. r-100 laser sighting system. this is state-of-the-art firepower. ac-system 'big-ear' telescopic mike with built-in audio processor. can pull a whisper out of a loud cocktail party at 50 meters. where's your stuff? that's it? some c-4, a map and a knife? and a beat-to-shit ak? every twelve-year-old in nam's got one of those. uh. this thing's pretty heavy. you got room for it? just a thought. you wanna know why i stood up for this show? i was in the brig. they gave me a deal. i blew up this colonel's golf cart with an m-19. he wasn't in it or anything. it was the symbolic value. seemed like a good idea at the time. i've seen worse places. this place is a trip. damn! leeches. you fucking crazy? i need it to burn these things off. i had it cupped. look, rambo. i've had enough of your bad-ass indian-scout bullshit. you're years out of date. i'm makin' a career out of teaching you the hardware. as far as i'm concerned you're just along to back me up. and i heard about you. about how twitchy you really are. kill any civilians lately? man, are you strict. should i waste her? i didn't know you spoke vietnamese. howdy, co. uh, you speak pretty good english. where'd you learn? what's this stuff on the rice? who cares? let's just do it and get out. go have a jacuzzi and get laid in bangkok. know what i mean? how come we didn't just drop near the camp. save this hassle? yeah. what's she saying? what's that? yeah. dinky-dau, that's me. hey, co. you wanna meet jake the one- eyed snake? these guys look like they'd sell their mothers. pirates? no kidding? looks like my room in college. everybody's makin' deals. some hardened guerrilla fighter they gave us. grips the mac-11 tightly, releases, grips, releases. sweat runs into his eyes. i need a vacation. nobody home. wait a minute! cigarette. what's he here for? slips the telescopic microphone out of his rucksack and clamps it to the side of his scope. snoring. five, six guys. mumbling. vietnamese. somebody talking in his sleep. a toilet flushing. breathing. moaning. shit! it's a guy in a cage. can't tell. pretty tall. he's real scrunched up in that thing. alright. home run. bastards. let's get some shots. nothing we can do, man. what? are you crazy? we're supposed to take pictures and split. you're gonna blow the whole program. i suppose you have. it's orders! you remember. when they tell you to do something and then you do it. john wayne is dead, man. fuck it. fuck it. aw. ke-rist. how we gonna do it? huh? that's right, buddy. no. you mean the snake? what's that? twenty-five minutes. we'd better roll. you slope bitch! what just happened? they sold us out? now i'm pissed. let's ditch this transat. we don't need it. ain't you coming with us, sweet thing? go for it, man. good therapy. you guys comin' or what? three. we got an american pow with us. where's he going? hey, zen hammer, where are you going? do you read, zen hammer? over. son of a bitch! they're ditching us! the fuckers left us, man. they left us. are they going to torture us? what. whattaya do? this ain't happening. bastards! i could use a beer. really? how come he didn't take me? oh, yeah. listen, how long do they keep you in this disease hole? how do you keep from coming unglued? watch it. don't fuck with me, man! i'm dinky dau! no way. if i say anything. that's three. advise my dick, you siberian scumbag. ke-rist. whattaya trying to do, man, tickle me? this your first day? i've had it with you, ratface. don't piss me off! aaargh. god damn that. was. good! do it again, you fuck! come on. i love it! you hear me. i love it! gawd, you look awful. hold your pantyhose. here, gimme a hand. duck soup. we got company. you better pull some pitch, buddy. it's a soviet mil mi-24. probably has 12.7mm nose cannon, heat-seeking rockets and wire guided missiles, plus. hell. this is just like fucking star wars, man! you're gonna love it. pretty low. couple of seconds worth. the thrill of victory, the agony of defeat! and there's this guy with a black helmet and cape, right, and he's got this sword. except it's not a sword, it's light. cover of time magazine, baby!