it means "virgin." my mother was comedian. university of saigon. have masters degree in economics. not use too much now. communists in charge. you got time. want to eat? nuac mam. sure. i only sound like forty-year- old in your language. i have arranged transportation. we meet soon. but i think you to be disappointed. i go up to this camp two months ago. nobody there. empty for years. where did you find this clown? crazy motherfucker. we sleep here today. safe here while go up river. spooks? oh. they talk to me at university before fall of saigon. make deal. my brother captain in arvn. need papers to go united states, or north vietnamese will execute. they make deal. i stay here and do work. my brother and my son can go united states. nguyen. he twelve now. not see him for eight years. dead. killed in war. huntington beach, california. nguyen is good boy. river patrol! cyclo-girl whore from village. business slow there. eat slowly. don't make yourself sick. yes. but i lose many merits in next life. very bad. they heard about escaped prisoner on radio. make deal. more than we pay. they were fools. to think there would be reward. and to ask my help. rambo. nva coming. pig dog kinh say meet them here. whole garrison from con cuong is out. my orders stay here. land of big px. maybe i take you for a ride in my cadillac. we get out. split up. they not want me. di di mau! go! go! took bus, most of way. i knew you would come here. carefully. don't want to get shot by you. bad karma. anyway, you need me. you think you are. . in-vul-nerabo. but you get ass kicked without me. you look like hell. wounds infected. come up to the ruins, i have medical kit. you try get across laos? get to thailand? go united states. see nguyen. maybe teach economics. buy cadillac. watch "dynasty." i know. i go with you. yes you can. as wife. you too easy. you don't feel love, rambo? why you don't feel love? not allowed? dead inside, maybe? you make yourself dead already so they can't kill you? in-vulnerabo? bullshit! bucu bullshit! i have enough death already. husband. mother. father. brothers. death everywhere. you see? a flower like that need good soil to grow. many time under earth is bones of animal. or person. killed in jungle. make soil rich. grows most beautiful flower. you call orchid. many deaths in jungle. vietnamese, v.c., american. many beautiful flowers. what was that? dinky-dau-rambo. it doesn't hurt. why doesn't it hurt?