marines. 'ex' though. we're private contractors now. how about you? thailand. the mekong. laos. 'nam. a straight dash across the laotian panhandle, through the annamese mountains. some good dicey bits there. and on to the drop zone. eighteen minutes each way in communist airspace. in the rhubarb, babe. a couple klicks from insertion we go vertical to ten thousand and you punch out. navigate in free fall like a regular halo jump. you'll have a good moon. hey, man. we got fuel on the deck. i don't like flying without a plane. nice trick. works nine times out of ten. i think he means it. well, son. you got that right. anybody ever tell you about that guy? ready to roll, lieutenant. zen rollercoaster, requesting clearance. here comes the sexy part. we just entered viet airspace, gentlemen. eight klicks to insertion. stand by to climb. approaching ten thousand. eleven seconds to insertion. ten, nine. slowing to two-thirty. three seconds. two. one. have a nice day. let's get that tent down! turnin' around. i do. but they ain't payin' the rent, jack. sorry, sir. can't do it. sorry, sir. well, if there weren't pows before, there are now. ah, sir. i'm experiencing a little hearing problem. well, uh. i've got something in my ear.