moonlight filters down through the foliage of massive trees, showing as shafts in the swirling night mists. using a stream bed to navigate through dense growth, rambo glides his legs smoothly through knee-deep brackish water. brewer follows, swatting and batting at clouds of mosquitos. brewer and rambo, carrying the pow, rejoin co on the ridge, where they had left their gear. handheld preceding rambo at a dead run as he crashes through foliage. the forest is an insane blur. tracers whip by, ruler-straight lines of red light. deadly fireflies. rambo at a dead run zig-zags along the dark game trail. low angle through the trees as the soviet assault helicopter passes overhead, its searchlight sweeping. the canopy of foliage lashes violently as the rotor wash blasts through it. monkeys shriek and leap about. realizing they are without their flankers, the two center guards call out and move toward their last positions. they stand together at the top of the mudbank, gaping at the two bodies sprawled below. tay moves forward hypnotically, as if transfixed. rambo slashes through the trees like a madman, running with everything he has.