put him in the chair. thank you, captain vinh. leave one guard, please. these people are so. vulgar in their approach. i am lieutenant commander podovsk. i do not know who you are. will you tell me? no? not even your name? this is a poor beginning for an intimate relationship. by tomorrow or the next day you will tell me things you would not tell a lover. i see you are no stranger to pain. then of course you must know how senseless it is to resist in the long run. is it possible you have been among my vietnamese comrades before? yes. i think that must be it. where were you held? hanoi? son tay? i apologize. i'm getting ahead. sometimes i get too eager. my comrade and i, in our capacity as advisors, have been sent from our center at cam ranh bay to discover from you certain things. for example: whether you are working directly for the american government. who your contacts were. and on and on. quite a list. will you tell me these things now? of course you won't. but, as a moral man, i felt compelled to ask. this is lieutenant palyushin. to him you are a piece of meat. proceed. i was sent here because of my command of your language. it will be frustrating if we cannot have a nice chat. very frustrating. ready? test please. oh, yes. here is something you might be interested in. a transcript of the conversation between your helicopter pilot and his commander, intercepted and unscrambled by our overworked cryptography staff. mmm. "zen hammer. slam dunk." colorful names. here we are: "ah, coach one. we have them in sight." and the reply: "abort immediately. return to base camp." it seems they intentionally abandoned you on direct orders. there are the people you protect with your silence? with your pain? but you must scream. you must. there is no shame. nyet! nyet! i think you know where he is going. is there a rendezvous point? some guerrilla contract? a transmitter perhaps. i cannot be responsible for the safety of the prisoners if he is not captured. this government now considers the existence of pows an embarrassment. an unmarked grave in the jungle may be their solution. i am only an advisor. you think you can provoke us into beating you unconscious? we are not that. unskilled. one. no. we'll take them ourselves. i know that! fire all your rockets. take him down! we've got him.