maybe you should have tried cutting him some slack. what's that? gimme a break. open it. at ease, rambo. wait outside. hello, john. mind if i sit down? i hear you're not enjoying it here. seems like i'm always pulling you out of some goddamn toilet or other, doesn't it? that depends on you. christ, look at you. i give you this easy duty until i can get you an assignment. all you have to do is eat ice cream and watch soap operas. and you have to make it rambo's last stand. hard to believe. you shoot up one little town in oregon with a fifty caliber machine gun. one little dogpatch town. and everybody figures your wrapper's broken. no sense of humor. what did you expect? an engraved plague from the chamber of commerce? this your stuff? hardcore outfit. the best i ever trained. you're not. congressional medal of honor. plus, what else? two silver stars, four bronze stars, two soldier's medals, four vietnamese crosses of gallantry and. uh, a handful of purple hearts. what did you want? you just picked that wrong war to be a hero in. let's take a walk. jason kirkhill. john rambo. tell him. i'll take responsibility. we left some people behind there, john. pows. that's correct. not this one. you're on communications and camera. same image-intensified gear you used in el salvador last year. listen up. you two are married as of now. get used to it. how long have you been setting up? nice work. how long before you're fully on line? you think they'll find any? black. no sugar. keep it clean, rambo, or i'll nail your hide to the shed. listen, kirkhill. i'm a bit of a fifth wheel in your setup here. i thought i'd go out with the extraction team tonight. unless you have an objection. i know. i know. alternate lz zulu sierra at 0500. it says "may have heat. don't be late. all our love." relay to command. they have one of ours. confirm it. stay on your heading, captain. that's an order. you pathetic scum. why? take your time. not my people. but you're right. some people do get sacrificed. now tell me why you pulled the plug. don't dance me, kirkhill. you'll be walking funny. this mission was a scam from the word go? rambo and brewer were selected as write-offs. "terminate with extreme prejudice." so there never was a phase two rescue team? i understand. i understand your position. i understand how a maggot like you can just slide out of a jam on a trail of slime. and call it -- expedience. expedience! it's not over. you made one mistake. rambo. bob, hi. did you get my telex? yeah, i know what time it is there. do you know what time it is here? look, is there anything you can do up the line? you owe me one. i'm calling it in. yes, this time. i know you're a general and i'm only a colonel. so that's it, huh? back off. come home. that's it? thanks, buddy. get me a "loach," i'm going back out to ban bung kla. getting ready to go somewhere? i know. escort them on in. all base personnel. prepare medical facilities to receive american pows.