hey. hey! hey, kid. hey. where do you live? look after yourself. come in. put them down there. you're better now? have you always been weak? i have to go to work. i'll walk with you. wait in the hall while i change. there are two more buckets downstairs. you can fill them and bring them up. you look ridiculous, look at you, kid. you can't go home like that. give me your clothes, i'll run you a bath. what, do you always take a bath in your trousers? it's all right, i won't look. wash your hair, i'll get you a towel. so. that's why you came back. now, kid, you know that's not true. all right, kid, it's not just about you. what? why do you want to know? it's hanna. what's yours, kid? michael. hmm. so i'm with a michael. you never tell me what you've been studying. at school. do you learn languages? what languages? say something in latin. it's wonderful. it's beautiful. what about in german? do you have anything? have you got it? i'd rather listen to you. you're good at it, aren't you? reading. why are you smiling? poor little baby. got up at four thirty - and on your holidays too. i haven't the slightest idea. and what you do is your business not mine. and if you wanted to speak to me, i was in the first carriage. so why did you sit in the second? and now, thanks very much, i've been working, i need a bath. get out, i'd like to be by myself. you don't have the power to upset me. you don't matter enough to upset me. kid, you thought we could make love in a tram? do you have a book? what is it? we're changing the order we do things. read to me first, kid. then we make love. what's an odyssey? come here. this is disgusting. where did you get this? you should be ashamed. go on. whisky. all right, kid, that's enough for today. what sort of trip? i think you like planning, don't you? you order. i'll have what you have. it's ok, kid. i don't want to know. what are you doing? can i hear it? oh kid, kid. stop. nothing's wrong. it's nothing. you never say. look if you want a fight, kid. what business is it of yours? well then why are you here? go back to your party. isn't that what you want? you don't have to apologize. no-one has to apologize. no-one can make you. war and peace, kid. now you must go back to your friends. yes. my name is hanna schmitz. yes. yes. yes. yes. i heard there were jobs. i was working at siemens when i heard the ss was recruiting. they were looking for guards. i applied for a job. yes. yes. yes. yes i know. i know ilana mather. yes, it's right. yes. yes. there were six guards, so we decided we'd choose ten people each. that's how we did it - every month. we'd all choose ten. we all did. yes but there were new arrivals, new women were arriving all the time, so of course we had to move some of the old ones on. we couldn't keep everyone. there wasn't room. well, what would you have done? so should i never have signed up at siemens? i don't know what you're asking. obviously. for the obvious reason. we couldn't. we were guards. our job was to guard the prisoners. we couldn't just let them escape. no. if we opened the doors, then there would have been chaos. how could we have restored order? it isn't true. i was just one of the guards. no. no. we all discussed what to say. we all wrote it together. no. and i didn't write the report. does it matter who did? my handwriting? there's no need. i wrote the report. i want to take out a book. do you have the lady with the little dog? hanna schmitz. you've grown up, kid. thank you. i prefer being read to. that's over now, isn't it? did you get married? you mean, with you? before the trial i never thought about the past. i never had to. it doesn't matter what i think. it doesn't matter what i feel. the dead are still dead. i have learnt, kid. i've learnt to read. that sounds a good plan. quietly. take care, kid.