you're michael berg? you got my letter? as i say, hanna schmitz is coming up for release very soon. hanna has been in prison for over twenty years. she has no family. she has no friends. you're her only contact. and i'm told you don't visit her. when she gets out, she's going to need a job. she's going to need somewhere to live. you can't imagine how frightening the modern world will seem to her. i have no-one else to ask. if you don't take responsibility for her, then hanna has no future at all. you're michael berg? louisa brenner. we were expecting you earlier. i should warn you: for a long time hanna held herself together. she was very purposeful. in the last few years she's different. she's let herself go. they're in the canteen. they're just finishing lunch. she left me a message, a sort of will. i'll read out the bit that concerns you. "there is money in the old tea tin. give it to michael berg. he should send it, alongside the 7,000 marks in the bank, to the daughter who wrote the book. it's for her. she should decide what to do with it. and tell michael i said hello. tell him to get on with his life." do you want to see her?