nice little weapon isn't it, dave? now that would be somethin', wouldn't it? no, sir, this thing would take the skin right off, of air force one if you wanted. not that i'm saying we'd ever want to kill our own president, but, you know, for example. as soon as the size-to power ratio is licked we'll have about seven bangs for the buck. as i understand it, guys, there's some major practical difficulties. i'm pushing as hard as i can. i'm assured they're on the verge of a major breakthrough. we're falling way behind, jer. that's a good one. i'll have to remember to use that, jer. he better be because the company needs a practical working model within four months. let me put this another way, jer. you know all that money we've been spending for development? well, when a project gets cut off, the finance boys always run an audit. having a little work done on the old place, are you? looks nice. i agree. and what's more important, massaging your ego on television explaining the digestive system of a rabbit to the great unwashed or "project crossbow" asshole. we're very close, dave, don't worry, everything's going to be fine. i'll be reporting to him every day. yes, sir. we're past the deadline. don't you understand, decker's dangerous. we need those plans. decker wants the laser by the end of the week. they're all set for the final onboard check. everything all right? what is it? i don't understand. did it fire?