well, i guess so, but gosh, don, it's a movie. you want me to start buying weapons from george lucas? well, sometimes i think i might as well. what do you think of what you saw, roy? it's not intended for use in your kind of warfare, roy. this is a perfect peace time weapon. seriously, don, i have to report to the secretary that everything's on schedule. we have plans for your little ray's gun this summer. well, don, you tell those geniuses you've got until the end of the next fiscal quarter to come up with a working model or i'm pulling the plug on the funding. good. just as long as we get a working weapon out of it by june. right, general? right. larry, let's see the film on blinding techniques, then we'll have some lunch, all right? and finally, it comes down to, if you can't do it, we'll get somebody else. i have a timetable, doctor. don, try and remember you work for me. i think i've made my point, haven't i? good. goodbye, jerry, and good luck. susan? she happens to be my daughter. coming, don? jer? dave decker how are you? nine thirty here in washington. i thought you californians all get up early and exercise. ha, ha it sounds like it. listen, i'll be out there tomorrow for the test but i want you to go to the marsh this afternoon and check optics systems one more time. because i'm in charge, doctor. goodbye. he hangs up. all look to chris. nice going, jer. what have you done?