the van pulls up and parks across the street. chris and mitch get out. just then, a volvo pulls up and jordan, ick and dr. meredith get out. dr. meredith is wearing a bathrobe, pajamas and slippers. chris and mitch, who are running toward the house, are stopped in their tracks by the incredible sight of the red laser beam shooting down out of the heavens, striking the grass, tracking across the lawn then up the wall of atherton's house. the beam disappears as suddenly as it came. everyone stands in awe. a few kernels fly out of the broken window, then a storm. the windows are filling up with popcorn. finally, they crack and break as popcorn forces its way out of the house wherever it can. the group looks on as the mountain of popcorn continues to engulf the house. meredith goes to see if kent is all right.