i thought you might want some help so i dug into the computer and got every question artherton's ever asked on every final he ever given. no, these are entries for mcdonald's sweepstakes. no purchase necessary. enter as often as you want. so, i am. this box makes it one million, six hundred thousand. i should win thirty two point six percent of the prizes, including the car. i suppose so. but they set up the rules, and lately, i have come to realize that i have certain materialistic needs. i memorized them. want my pajamas? smart kid. he's going to grow five inches in the next year. no. how did you do? you shouldn't have. i've been thinking about your laser solution. i figure you've increased the output to six megawatts. what would you use that for? with the gas tanks you've designed the beam would only last for forty seconds. what good is that? maybe somebody already has a use for it, one for which it's perfectly designed. looks at the facts: very high power, portable, limited firing time, unlimited range. all you'd need is a big spinning mirror and you could vaporize a human target from space. i understand how you feel, chris, and you're right. but what we should be doing now is trying to find out what he's doing. phase two. this is the phone terminal for the entire school. we'll find it. it's not too late. i've got his office. i don't need a watch. boy, these secret fields are so untrusting. i guess not. we've got a connection. they're in. oh, oh. oh, nothing. i think i've found it. may i have the coordinates, please. please, i don't work well under pressure. i think you used too much. yeah, well, i had to pack. i'm getting married. oh, i won. only thirty-one point eight percent though. i have to figure that out. but not this summer. what can i do? she loves me. thanks. anyway, we probably won't ever get to see you again, so, bye. yeah, it's getting too weird around here. see ya.