people, if i might get your attention. welcome back, freshmen! i take it you all put the christmas break to good use? now, if you'll indulge me, i'd like to speak seriously for a moment. you will recall that when i welcomed you to the pacific institute of technology a few short months ago i spoke of how we are one of the finest scientific institutions in the world. i think the finest. i mentioned our six nobel prize winners, our members of the national academy of sciences, and our members of the national academy of engineering. this is an intellectual oasis of technological achievement in the dessert of general academic mediocrity we see inmost colleges and universities today. i also spoke of the fact that you are the finest freshmen class we have ever had here. i say this to every freshman class. each year we raise our entrance requirements and each year there is a group of students like you who meet and surpass those requirements. as you have no doubt already noticed by now, over a third of you are gone. by the end of the year another third of you will have followed them out of eden and into mediocrity. we want only the best. hard work and high standards are expected of everyone. and if you aren't up to it cal tech or m.i.t. might take you, but you don't fit in here. let me remind you that this place is an opportunity, not a right; a chance not a gift; a working lunch, not a picnic. welcome back. several waitresses begin serving tea but the despair of reality creeps over the students and they begin to disperse. mitch stands waiting for the approaching dr. meredith. oh, yes, professor artherton's bright star. and i understand you're already on his project. i'm assured you're going to do great things. let me give you some advice. don't screw up. i think the young people really appreciate my " getting down" verbally, don't you? ah, mr. kinsley. why am i not surprised to see you here? perhaps you have the explanation for this so-called event i'm suppose to witness. these are rather strong accusations, chris. if they're true, i'm going to need some proof.