early night. in the dresser thorwald finds an alligator handbag. he holds it up thoughtfully. we have previously seen this handbag hanging from the bedpost when mrs. thorwald was in bed. thorwald takes the bag into the living room, where he picks up the phone and dials. having completed his call, thorwald returns to the bedroom carrying the handbag. he goes to a pile of coats lying on the bed. he lifts the top two coats slightly, and slides the handbag under them and out of sight. the alleyway and street. just regular traffic. thorwald stops in front of his door to read the note. miss lonely hearts' apartment. she has opened a small brown bottle, and taken out four red capsules which she places on the white table cloth of her little table. thorwald has the new alligator bag belonging to his wife, in his hand. he moves slowly across the bedroom, out of sight behind the door. he doesn't appear in the living room. in a moment he reappears, moving back to his packing. he puts the handbag into one of the suitcases -- the one which he has almost completed filling. he goes on with his packing. thorwald goes past the alley opening. the alleyway and street intersection, with normal night traffic, but no sign of thorwald. the camera lens pans across and down to the hole being dug by stella. we get an impression of lisa's legs as we go by. the spade comes out of the hole and rests on the side. the camera lens pans up just in time to catch stella turning up to jeff. she throws out a helpless hand and shakes her head. "nothing." lisa turns from the suitcase with the alligator handbag in her hand. there is an expression of triumph on her face. she opens it and her expression changes to dismay. she looks toward jeff's apartment and, to communicate her dismay, she turns the handbag upside down. nothing falls out. empty. thorwald's head and shoulders fill the screen. for a moment thorwald is genuinely frightened by the sight of the police. we see him listening to the policeman out of the picture. thorwald turns slowly and we see him lose much of his fright and regain some control of his face. he completes his turn and is looking at the girl a little puzzled. he then swings back toward the police. we get a closer view of the waving hand. she stops waving and holds her fingers spread out. with her other hand she points to the wedding ring on her left hand.