the newlyweds's apartment has the shades still drawn. we get a better view of the salesman waiting while his connection is being made. whoever he has called answers. and instantly there is a marked change in his attitude. he relaxes, smiles, is warm. he talks softly, perhaps guardedly, with an occasional glance at the bedroom door. in the bedroom, his wife has become aware of the call. the couple who sleep on the fire escape. the increasing rain cause them to hastily gather their things to retreat inside. the man, hurriedly untying the alarm clock from the railing of the fire escape, lets it slip through his fingers. as if falls to the garden below, the camera fans swiftly down with it. when the clock hits the ground, the alarm goes off sending a shrill sound through the neighborhood. coming out of his apartment into the corridor on the floor below is the salesman with the nagging wife. the shades are drawn in his apartment, but a light burns dimly behind them. the salesman carries a large aluminum suitcase -- the same one we saw him with earlier in the day. the sound of the alarm startles him. he turns toward the window a moment listening. then reassured that is is nothing important, he turns and moves down the corridor. the salesman is see coming down the corridor to his apartment, still carrying the aluminum case. he quickly enters his apartment door in a business-like manner. the light comes from the song-writer's apartment. his door is open, and he is hanging onto the door frame, his hand still on the light switch. he surveys his apartment. he appears rather drunk. he comes into the apartment, closes the door behind him, and sways a little. he wears a hat, pushed back on his forehead, and no raincoat. his clothes are quite wet. he might have even fallen. the salesman's apartment shows the shades drawn and a dim light burning behind them. the camera pans to the empty corridor. the drawn shades of the newlyweds' apartment. a dim light burning behind them. the first four of the song-writer's guests come through the door, admitted by the song-writer's girl friend. the shade is going up in the newlyweds apartment. the young husband throws up the window an lights a cigarette. he takes a deep and satisfying drag on the cigarette, glancing toward the song-writer's party. the party is now full progress. the room is overcrowded. and some people are now sitting on the floor with their backs to the window. others are outside. a crowd hides the piano player, but music can be head competing with the babble. the song-writer's party is now in full swing, and fairly crowded. it is a happy, gay affair. lisa is in the courtyard directly below jeff's window. miss lonely hearts is in the act of popping an envelope up against the table lamp on the table next to the sofa. at the bottom of the picture, miss lonely hearts is still listening to the music, while in the apartment above lisa appears into the living room from behind the doorway that leads to the bedroom. she looks across to the source of the music. she is as arrested by the melody as miss lonely hearts. then looking across to jeff, she holds up her hands triumphantly to show him the jewelry she has discovered. at this point, thorwald appears coming along the corridor of his apartment house! lisa is completely unaware of his approach. doyle, lisa, stella and the two detectives, crossing thorwald's yard, see jeff going out the window. lisa is panicked. the two detectives ahead of doyle are moving up below the window. lisa stand looking up, her hands at the sides of her head, frozen with panic. jeff, hanging from his windowsill. he loses his grip and plunges down into the patio below. two detectives throw themselves beneath him. they are knocked to the ground as jeff's fall tumbles both of them. after jeff hits, he lies still, twisted over to one side.