indo-china -- jeff predicted it would go sky-high. this could go off in a month -- or an hour. bryce, the only man for this job is sitting right here in town. get me l. b. jefferies. name me a better photographer. don't worry -- it comes off today. i mean the cast. congratulations, jeff. for getting rid of that cast. this is wednesday. wrong day? that's too bad, jeff. well, i guess i can't be lucky every day. forget i called. that one week is going to cost me my best photographer -- and you a big assignment. there's no point in even talking about it. indo-china. got a code tip from the bureau chief this morning. the place is about to go up in smoke. you did. with that cast on -- you don't. you're too valuable to the magazine for us to play around with. i'll send morgan or lambert. i didn't ask you to stand in the middle of that automobile race track. so did you. goodbye, jeff. read some good books. i'll send you some comic books. like what? it's about time you got married -- before you turn into a lonesome and bitter old man. jeff -- wives don't nag anymore -- they discuss. well -- you know best. call you later, jeff. hello. yeah. is that you, jeff? something wrong? jeff -- okay. indo-china. tuesday. we'll pick you up. yeah.