jeff is amused by what he sees, but continues his conversation with gunnison, which has gone on through all the scenes with the ballet dancer. jeff shifts his look more to the right. a patient, suffering look comes over his face. he takes out the thermometer. stella goes on with her work. jeff's eyes travel up to the ballet dancer's window. his eyes are suddenly turned in another direction, sharply to his left. jeff's eyes move up quickly to look at the salesman. jeff is amused at the dog incident. behind him, stella moves to the center of the room, saying: jeff quickly lowers the binoculars and edges back a few inches. he watches a moment, then cautiously lifts the binoculars again. jeff lowers the camera for a moment, and watches tensely. suddenly he puts it up to his eye again. jeff lowers the camera. he watches the living room for a moment. then his eye travels briefly back to the kitchen; then return to the living room. his brow knits a little as we: jeff's eyes, over the coffee cup, are staring intently at the backyard. his eyes stray in an upward direction as he puts down the coffee cup. jeff's eyes moves down again. abstractedly his hand strays toward the piece of bacon. he picks it up. jeff seems to be getting a bit listless, or bored, by constantly watching thorwald's apartment. his eyes sort of stray around the neighborhood, and end up looking toward: jeff smiles affectionately, and starts to turn his eyes away; but something startles him, and he looks quickly back. the binoculars still up to jeff's face. under them his mouth moves, as if he's talking to himself. jeff lowers the binoculars, discouraged. jeff's attention is drawn to something in the yard below. jeff smiles mischievously. suddenly his face changes as he sees: jeff is sober.