jeff leans forward with increased interest. behind him we get vague figure of lisa laying a cloth over the card table. without taking his eyes from the scene, jeff picks up his wineglass and drinks. as he drinks, his eyes move slightly over. jeff gives a faint, sympathetic smile, and subconsciously raises his glass in response. in the background, lisa, having just placed a pair of candlesticks on the table, is returning to the kitchen. jeff becomes completely absorbed with he sees. he leans forward a little. a faint shade of disappointment is seen on lisa's face; but she quickly recovers and looks down at the table. jeff looks at her soberly. the brightness drains from lisa's face, and she lowers her eyes slowly toward the table. lisa realizes she is getting nowhere. jeff, getting angry. lisa, with sarcasm. jeff is definitely angry. lisa starts to rise from the divan, the camera panning up. she moves away from the camera into the center of the room, as she says: jeff looks across at her with some concern. lisa, standing in the open doorway. the pleasantness on jeff's face slowly melts into baffled discouragement. he reaches for a nearby phone picks up the receiver, dials. it buzzes on filter. jeff smiles a little, but as the howl continues, his expressions sobers. his eyes begin to scan the neighborhood, as if looking for the source. he fails to find it, and sits there, puzzled and disturbed. the scene, and the sound of the dog: jeff wakens a little more fully as his attentions is drawn to: jeff smiles at the incident, and then lowers his eyes slightly as something else catches his attention. jeff is puzzled. he looks down a moment in thought. then he darts his eyes and swings them toward the left. more puzzled, allows his eyes to travel from the street to the apartment corridor. jeff starts to assume a thoughtful air, when he is startled by a light which falls across his face from the right. he looks toward the light. jeff's eyes travel down to the street. jeff's face is expressionless. he just stares. jeff's head is nodding and dozing again. the side light from the song-writer's apartment is no longer on his face. jeff's eyes open, then his head comes up quickly, trying to clear the sleep from his mind, as he remembers the object of his vigilance. jeff's eyes turn sharply in the direction of the street. jeff's eyes suddenly switch to the street. jeff sits in his wheelchair, looking quietly out at the neighborhood, sleep beginning to take hold on him again. jeff turns his eyes from the salesman's apartment, and looks down reflectively. he looks up again, and then his eyes catches sight of something. he leans forward slightly. he looks away from miss torso, thoughtfully. lisa leans forward and looks out the window to see what jeff is referring to. she turns back to him with a blank stare. jeff turns and looks at her, quite unaware of her surprise at his comment. jeff, still looks toward the salesman's apartment. jeff is still looking toward the salesman's apartment. doyle turns his head away, and looks straight out. his expression hardens a little, as he sees: he also is looking toward thorwald's apartment. he turns his eyes anxiously back to doyle. he seems to be trying to penetrate doyle's mind. doyle reacts to her appreciatively. quickly guessing what's on doyle's mind doyle, with a studied, gracious gesture, to lisa. doyle hesitates a moment, and lets his eyes wander, to: the overnight case, with lisa's lingerie. his eyes going back to jeff. jeff points out a challenging finger. jeff is staring out, gripping his chair tightly. there is a touch of desperation on his face. he looks down at the flowers, briefly, then swings around abruptly. he wheels away from the camera to the wall cabinet. we see him take a piece of notepaper, a pencil and an envelope. the camera rushes down over jeff's shoulder, just in time to catch the last word as he finishes writing the message. the envelope is addressed to "lars thorwald." jeff at the window, looking through the long-focus lens. jeff whips the long-focus lens from his eye. jeff shifts his eyes from the songwriter's apartment back to the courtyard. jeff, shocked and alarmed, calls out: jeff, tense and wide-eyed, watches lisa climb the fire escape. he lowers the long-focus lens and he is sweating with anxiety. he mutters, almost to himself: an angry jeff is staring, and trying to penetrate the semi- darkness of thorwald's room. then he bends his head forward in despair, and after a brief moment speaks: stella staring out, tense, frightened. then her expression changes sharply as she looks slightly to the left. jeff quickly puts a hand out and takes up his long-focus lens. he looks through the finder. jeff looking through his camera. jeff doesn't answer. his eyes watch thorwald. he licks his lip with nervous tension and grips the flash holder. jeff still doesn't speak. he grips the flash holder a little more tightly, lifts it just the fraction of an inch as if he is prepared to use it. thorwald's face fills the screen registering shock, confusion. he throws up his hands for protection and recoils, making an involuntary sound of surprise. thorwald blinking, trying to regain his sight. thorwald's face, full screen again, as he recoils from the flash.