jeff picks up the phone and quickly dials. the buzzer sounds on filter, then the phone is lifted. a woman's voice is heard and jeff seems a little puzzled at the sound of it. a little annoyed at the interruption, jeff turns to look at the studio apartment. jeff quickly picks up the long-focus lens and trains it on the salesman's apartment. jeff scratches the side of his chin, studies thorwald's apartment as if he might see some small clue as to where the salesman is. he looks toward the intersection to his left. apparently he sees nothing. he turns to look down into the garden. he looks again for a weapon, and almost by instinct he snatches up his flash holder and the small packet of bulbs he had taken out to signal lisa earlier. he tries to move his wheelchair farther into the shadows. his eyes are glued to the door of his apartment, and his senses are sharp as a hunting dog's. he scarcely breathes. thorwald regains his equilibrium and some of his sight. jeff ejects a bulb, puts his last bulb into the flash holder. he tries to move the wheelchair a little further away from thorwald. then he raises the flash holder again.