lisa and jeff at the window, looking out, startled. the landlord, beneath the newlyweds, looks out. tilting his head up toward the center of the yard. a couple comes out on the high balcony to the right. some members of the song-writer's party move out to the patio- balcony, to get a better look down in the yard. the bird woman comes to the window. her white face looks forward toward the center of the courtyard. miss torso, pulling a around her, comes out onto her porch, and looks to her left. miss hearing aid comes quickly into her backyard. the couple who own the dog are standing on their fire escape. they are both looking down, but while the husband is quiet, the wife is holding her hands to the side of her head, sobbing loudly. we have heard her sobbing since the moment of the scream which she uttered. lying near the sidewalk in the backyard below the couple's fire escape, is the silent body of the little dog they own. miss lonely hearts comes running out of the basement door. she goes directly to the dog, picks it up in her arms. then she slowly turns and looks up at the sobbing woman above her. instead of increasing her sobbing, this news quiets, momentarily, the woman who owned the dog. her hands go down to the railing of the fire escape, gripping it fiercely. she lifts her face to the neighborhood, her lips set and her eyes burning. her chest moves convulsively from the crying. the guests at the song-writer's party begin to move silently back to the studio apartment. the people move off their balcony into the apartment. the woman almost screams at the people now, as she looks up at the apartment. miss lonely hearts puts the dog in the basket, and watches as the husband draws it slowly up. the bathing beauties go inside their apartment. the dog moves closer to the fire escape, slowly, the husband pulling the rope in hand over hand. miss torso goes back to her apartment. miss hearing aid turns down the volume of her hearing aid and goes back to her apartment. the dog reaches the fire escape, and the husband tenderly takes it out of the basket. he turns to carry it's into the apartment.