the new york state sentence for a peeping tom is six months in the workhouse! and there aren't any windows in the workhouse. years ago, they used to put out your eyes with a hot poker. is one of those bikini bombshells you always watch worth a hot poker? we've grown to be a race of peeping toms. what people should do is stand outside their own houses and look in once in a while. what do you think of that for homespun philosophy? well, i only quote from the best. see it you can break a hundred. i shoulda been a gypsy fortune teller, instead of an insurance company nurse. i got a nose for trouble -- can smell it ten miles away. you heard of the stock market crash in '29? i predicted it. simple. i was nursing a director of general motors. kidney ailment they said. nerves, i said. then i asked myself -- what's general motors got to be nervous about? overproduction. collapse, i answered. when general motors has to go to the bathroom ten times a day -- the whole country's ready to let go. it crashed, didn't it? i can smell trouble right in this apartment. you broke your leg. you look out the window. you see things you shouldn't. trouble. i can see you now, in front of the judge, flanked by lawyers in blue double- breasted suits. you're pleading, "judge, it was only innocent fun. i love my neighbors like a father." -- the judge answers, "congratulations. you just gave birth to three years in dannemora." you've got a hormone deficiency. those sultry sun-worshipers you watch haven't raised your temperature one degree in four weeks. i knew it! gives your circulation something to fight. what kind of trouble? you must be kidding. a beautiful young woman, and you a reasonably healthy specimen of manhood. that's normal. that's abnormal. nonsense. a man is always ready for marriage -- with the right girl. and lisa fremont is the right girl for any man with half a brain, who can get one eye open. behind every ridiculous statement is always hidden the true cause. what is it? you have a fight? her father loading up the shotgun? it's happened before, you know! some of the world's happiest marriage have started 'under the gun' you might say. she's only perfect. is what you want something you can discuss? people with sense can belong wherever they're put. you're never going to marry? i can just hear you now. "get out of here you perfect, wonderful woman! you're too good for me!" look, mr. jefferies. i'm not educated. i'm not even sophisticated. but i can tell you this -- when a man and a woman see each other, and like each other -- they should come together -- wham like two taxies on broadway. not sit around studying each other like specimens in at bottle. intelligence! nothing has caused the human race more trouble. modern marriage! baloney! once it was see somebody, get excited, get married -- now, it's read books, fence with four syllable words, psychoanalyze each other until you can't tell a petting party from a civil service exam ask for trouble and you get it. why there's a good boy in my neighborhood who went with a nice girl across the street for three years. then he refused to marry her. why? -- because she only scored sixty-one on a look magazine marriage quiz! when i married myles, we were both maladjusted misfits. we still are. and we've loved every minute of it. okay -- but i'm going to spread some common sense on the bread. lisa fremont's loaded to her fingertips with love for you. i'll give you two words of advice. marry her. window shopper. you'd think the rain would have cooled things off. all it did was make the heat wet. the insurance company would be a lot happier if you slept in your bed, not the wheelchair. eyes bloodshot. must have been staring out the window for hours. what'll you do if one of them catches you? keep your mind off her. and she'll end up fat, alcoholic and miserable. poor girl. someday she'll find her happiness. isn't there anyone in the neighborhood who might cast an eye in her direction? he and his wife splitting up? isn't he a salesman? flashlights. luminous dials for watches. house numbers that light up. his personal effects. he's probably running away -- the coward. but it takes a particularly low type of man to do it. what about this morning? any developments? in this heat? they're up now. what is it? what's the matter? a federal offense. i'm not shy. i've been looked at before. goodbye, mr. jefferies. i'll see you tomorrow. and don't sleep in the chair again. uh-huh. uh-huh. great conversationalist. trouble. i cam smell it. i'll be glad when they crack that cast, and i get out of here. police? you called the police? now just where do you suppose he cut her up? oh -- of course! in the bathtub. that's the only place he could wash away the blood. i'm just going to get the name of their truck! must have splattered a lot. well, why not? that's what we're all thinking. he killed her in there, and he has to wipe up the stains before he leaves. nobody's invented polite words yet for killing. mrs. thorwald? you mean the one the dog was sniffing around? there's something buried there. you haven't spent much time in cemeteries, have you? mr. thorwald could hardly put his wife into a plot of ground scarcely one foot square. unless, he puts in standing on end -- which would be very original and not require the use of either a knife or a saw. my guess is she's scattered all over town. a leg in the east river -- an arm -- call lieutenant doyle! he's starting to pack. what are you going back for? you shouldn't have let her do that! if he ever -- thank heaven that's over! mind if i use the portable keyhole? i wonder. miss lonely hearts just laid out something that looks like sodium trieckonal capsules. i handled enough of those red pills to put everybody in new jersey asleep for the winter. no -- but it makes the rest easy to take. and she's reading the bible. you know? you might not be too bad a bargain for lisa after all. well, it wasn't the kind of expression that would get him a quick loan at the bank. you'd make a good door prize at a wake. the only way anybody could get that off would be to chop my finger -- let's go down and find out what's buried in the garden. got a shovel? there's probably one in the basement. you know, miss fremont -- he might just have something there. we only need a few minutes. unanimously. ring thorwald's phone the second you see him on the way back! give her another minute -- she's doing this for you. miss lonely hearts! call the police! maybe that music will delay her taking the pills. there they are. what's she trying to do? why doesn't she turn him in? smart? she'll be arrested! mrs. thorwald's ring! when you took your first snapshot -- did you ever think it would bring you to this? unless he's dumber than i think, he won't wait 'til his lease is up. what do you need money for? you know -- you could just leave her there until after next tuesday -- so you could sneak away safely -- as planned. how much do you think you'll need? ten here. i got twenty or so in my purse. give me what you've got. when those cops get a look at miss fremont -- they'll even contribute. oh, no thanks -- i don't want any of part of her what did i say?